View Full Version : What happened to me? Anxiety attacks?

03-10-2015, 06:33 AM
So I don't think I have ever had an anxiety attack before but today I had what I've been describing as an "episode" somewhat. I have been up all night depressed about people who have passed away in my life and an elderly women who lives down the street I have known forever (like a grandmother) is getting up there on age and now has an oxygen tank. So basically I started to think about how she will soon be gone and when it happens I hope it's not a shock and I'm so afraid that if it is I will have a horrible reaction. When I hadtthis in my head I couldn't get it out and I just cried for about 45 minutes and it took me about an hour to finallyastart to calm down and relax and not dwell on the thought of dread. What happened to me? I am not familiar with what anxiety attacks are even though I've struggled with anxiety my whole life (and OCD for about 3 years now). I any insight or experience is greatly appreciated!

03-10-2015, 12:05 PM
So I don't think I have ever had an anxiety attack before but today I had what I've been describing as an "episode" somewhat. I have been up all night depressed about people who have passed away in my life and an elderly women who lives down the street I have known forever (like a grandmother) is getting up there on age and now has an oxygen tank. So basically I started to think about how she will soon be gone and when it happens I hope it's not a shock and I'm so afraid that if it is I will have a horrible reaction. When I hadtthis in my head I couldn't get it out and I just cried for about 45 minutes and it took me about an hour to finallyastart to calm down and relax and not dwell on the thought of dread. What happened to me? I am not familiar with what anxiety attacks are even though I've struggled with anxiety my whole life (and OCD for about 3 years now). I any insight or experience is greatly appreciated!

Hi, Cait - maybe it was a mild panic attack but it seems more like your OCD just had you fixated on health and death, you became very emotional.

Just having anxiety seems to have you more emotional anyway and can be worse when you have a trigger

I hope you are feeling better

03-11-2015, 01:37 AM
Hi, Cait - maybe it was a mild panic attack but it seems more like your OCD just had you fixated on health and death, you became very emotional.

Just having anxiety seems to have you more emotional anyway and can be worse when you have a trigger

I hope you are feeling better

Thank you so much for your reply I agree! After finally calming down I think it was my ocd trying to grab a hold of my thoughts again it's hard to tell sometimes if it's an obsession or just me being anxious. (it was also lack of sleep) thank you again!