View Full Version : Very urgent i need help fast!!! Please reply!

03-09-2015, 09:58 PM
I'm not sure if anyone is online or anyone who can help with my issue, as it is somewhat related to anxiety. I hope that this is an okay to post this, but I'm not sure of any of forums or places to turn for help. This isn't so much about me as it is a family member (whom I live with) that has seemed to go off the deep end today. Today I worked until 10pm. I come home from work to find out all hell has broken loose. My family member (father) has been off of his medications for 2 whole weeks and today was the breaking point. I find out that he flipped out and smashed countless items in the house as well as broke the TV in our living room because he was throwing shards of glass/plates, glasses, whatever. He threatened to kick my brother out and when I came home I got into an arguement with him. He was screaming at other family members and was telling me I was nosey when he was making comments as far as hurting himself and ending his life. I found out that earlier in the day (while I was at work and had no idea what was going on) that the police were called. He was sitting in our living room with a loaded gun... I'm not sure of his intentions at that point but they were VERY far from good. After arguing with him I decided I needed to leave, I was starting to feel a panic attack coming on, which I then took my anti-anxiety medication in fear of it progressing. I was about to leave except I forgot my phone, I came back in to get it and he cornered me asking if I ever cared about him and I told him that I was done caring, I honestly don't care what happens at this point as he has put me, my younger brother, and other family members at risk and have put us through way too much. He has a history of abusing both drugs and prescription medication. I am in fear that he may harm either me, my brother, or another family member and I'm not sure what to do. I debated calling the police but I'm not sure if this is the right option. I'm honestly afraid for my life and the lives of others' in my household. The gun is no longer in his possession and it is hidden away. He threatened to kill himself and cornered my brother asking where it was. I don't know what to do, I do want him to get better, but at this point I don't have any control of his actions. Should I call the police and maybe they can commit him to a hospital if this happens again? I don't have anywhere else to stay as I don't have many friends, let alone any friends that would understand the situation or let me stay at their houses. If anyone has ANY advice WHATSOVEVER PLEASE respond to this!! I need help FAST and if anyone could help me with what to do it would mean the world to me. If I should post this on another website, where can I turn to? Please help!!

03-09-2015, 10:06 PM
Wow, that sounds really really stressful. Are you over 18? I ask because minors in this situation are taken into protective custody, and unless your father, whom you allege has been acting out severly, is hospitalized. Your family must have a responsible adult in charge of the household, if minors are involved in this family matter. Otherwise , they take all the minors into custody and dad may end up on a hospital police 51/50 hold only for 2 weeks sometimes; if he is the home owner he might be discharged back home, and under the care of his doctor. I would call a crisis line they are available 24/7. Tell them what you have said here and they may know more about the laws and referrals for your own sanity and anything else to help you out at least temporarily.

Good Luck

03-09-2015, 10:29 PM
Thank you for the reply, I myself am 19 and my brother is 18 so I'm not sure what the laws would be as far as that goes. Thank you for the information, I will call a crisis line as soon as possible to see what I can do. Thank you very much for the information!!

03-09-2015, 10:52 PM
I'm not sure if anyone is online or anyone who can help with my issue, as it is somewhat related to anxiety. I hope that this is an okay to post this, but I'm not sure of any of forums or places to turn for help. This isn't so much about me as it is a family member (whom I live with) that has seemed to go off the deep end today. Today I worked until 10pm. I come home from work to find out all hell has broken loose. My family member (father) has been off of his medications for 2 whole weeks and today was the breaking point. I find out that he flipped out and smashed countless items in the house as well as broke the TV in our living room because he was throwing shards of glass/plates, glasses, whatever. He threatened to kick my brother out and when I came home I got into an arguement with him. He was screaming at other family members and was telling me I was nosey when he was making comments as far as hurting himself and ending his life. I found out that earlier in the day (while I was at work and had no idea what was going on) that the police were called. He was sitting in our living room with a loaded gun... I'm not sure of his intentions at that point but they were VERY far from good. After arguing with him I decided I needed to leave, I was starting to feel a panic attack coming on, which I then took my anti-anxiety medication in fear of it progressing. I was about to leave except I forgot my phone, I came back in to get it and he cornered me asking if I ever cared about him and I told him that I was done caring, I honestly don't care what happens at this point as he has put me, my younger brother, and other family members at risk and have put us through way too much. He has a history of abusing both drugs and prescription medication. I am in fear that he may harm either me, my brother, or another family member and I'm not sure what to do. I debated calling the police but I'm not sure if this is the right option. I'm honestly afraid for my life and the lives of others' in my household. The gun is no longer in his possession and it is hidden away. He threatened to kill himself and cornered my brother asking where it was. I don't know what to do, I do want him to get better, but at this point I don't have any control of his actions. Should I call the police and maybe they can commit him to a hospital if this happens again? I don't have anywhere else to stay as I don't have many friends, let alone any friends that would understand the situation or let me stay at their houses. If anyone has ANY advice WHATSOVEVER PLEASE respond to this!! I need help FAST and if anyone could help me with what to do it would mean the world to me. If I should post this on another website, where can I turn to? Please help!!

Call the police and get help. He could kill himself and everyone else. I would stay somewhere else with your brother. yes, your life is in danger.

03-10-2015, 01:24 AM
Regardless of Age - [Minor Laws are not so easily acted on, nor is every report]

Ring The Police.

Given your story - I'm surprised you had to ask.

The police get millions of calls.

Some valid, some not.
__________________________________________________ _____

Did you ring?

03-10-2015, 06:40 AM
Wow! That is a very stressful situation. I'm really sorry that you have to deal with that. I would definitely call the police and see if they can involuntarily hold him for at least 72 hours. In the meantime, I would PLEASE hide that gun really well, or if possible, remove it from the house completely. You don't want him to get a hold of it, period. I would probably also go as far as putting away knives and any other sharp objects that could be used as weapons. Please write us back and let us know you're ok. I hope they decide to hold him, so he can get stabilized on whatever meds he needs to be taking.

03-11-2015, 05:07 PM
Wow! That is a very stressful situation. I'm really sorry that you have to deal with that. I would definitely call the police and see if they can involuntarily hold him for at least 72 hours. In the meantime, I would PLEASE hide that gun really well, or if possible, remove it from the house completely. You don't want him to get a hold of it, period. I would probably also go as far as putting away knives and any other sharp objects that could be used as weapons. Please write us back and let us know you're ok. I hope they decide to hold him, so he can get stabilized on whatever meds he needs to be taking.

I just wanted to give an update.. I decided not to call the police as these episodes have happened before. As of right now we are not talking (my father and I), my brother is doing his best to stay away from home (at a good friend's house after school and only coming home when necessary). As for me, I've been working so I haven't been around him much. I don't say anything to him and he doesn't say anything to me. I don't care too much at this point as far as whether or not I have a relationship with him. I'm okay and so is my brother and other family members (grandparents). If this ever happens again I will certainly not hesitate to call for help, I just was so filled with anxiety, sadness, fear, etc. that I didn't know what to do which is why I had left the house with my brother and had him stay at a friends house. I'd like to thank everyone for replying so promptly and wishing me well. I wasn't sure what the police could do in that situation as it's never really come to that point before, but like I said if it happens again I will make sure to call and get help for myself and my family members. The gun is still hidden, he doesn't know where it is, nor do I think he cares at this point. He's just been sitting around the house (doesn't have a job due to 2 severe car accidents). For right now I'm going to keep to myself and stay out of his way and just focus on my promotion at work and getting through the rest of the semester of college. Again, I want to thank everyone who replied, it really means a lot that people care about me and my safety for once.

03-12-2015, 10:38 AM
I just wanted to give an update.. I decided not to call the police as these episodes have happened before. As of right now we are not talking (my father and I), my brother is doing his best to stay away from home (at a good friend's house after school and only coming home when necessary). As for me, I've been working so I haven't been around him much. I don't say anything to him and he doesn't say anything to me. I don't care too much at this point as far as whether or not I have a relationship with him. I'm okay and so is my brother and other family members (grandparents). If this ever happens again I will certainly not hesitate to call for help, I just was so filled with anxiety, sadness, fear, etc. that I didn't know what to do which is why I had left the house with my brother and had him stay at a friends house. I'd like to thank everyone for replying so promptly and wishing me well. I wasn't sure what the police could do in that situation as it's never really come to that point before, but like I said if it happens again I will make sure to call and get help for myself and my family members. The gun is still hidden, he doesn't know where it is, nor do I think he cares at this point. He's just been sitting around the house (doesn't have a job due to 2 severe car accidents). For right now I'm going to keep to myself and stay out of his way and just focus on my promotion at work and getting through the rest of the semester of college. Again, I want to thank everyone who replied, it really means a lot that people care about me and my safety for once.

That's all good, but what kind of help are you getting? You are enabling him and the cycle of dysfunction if you are not doing something about it - at least getting your self counseling. I dont want to sound harsh, but I think you need a loving kick in the a$$. Please realize that he is a threat to society as well, people that give of warnings are potentially dangerous to the public not just you. I encourage you to talk to the authorities and get advice.