View Full Version : Alittle advice from anyone this may have happend to?

03-07-2015, 09:39 AM
I was on citalapram 20mg for one year! No issues felt great and happy! I had a techacardia incident when my heart went from 89 bpm to 178bpm mainly because I was drinking evey night(heavy crap)! My cardiologist yanked me off the citalapram in December ! Starting in January I was waking up with burning sensations all over my body and my head hurting bad! It went from nigjt to day as I started getting stronger attacks! My basic doctor put me back on citalapram but I only lasted 2 weeks as the attacks for worse( and I was taking at night which seemed to act as a insomnia trigger)! So we decided to go to meditation and yoga with excersize! It's calmed it down but now the attacks are during the day and partial at night! They have gone from chest pain or burning to shaking! And I mean waking up or during the day shaking like I'm outside in -10 degree weather! After I calm down the subside! Naturally my blood pressure is high during the attack 154/99! It goes down to normal 20 minutes later.

The doc has prescribed clonozapram for the attacks and it seems to work however she prescribed .05 and said only take when neccessary during attack! So naturally I takenit feel great 24 hours, after here they come! Is my body getting addicted to this?

Finally I seeked a second opnion, they recommends a nurologist test set up for this Monday and also recommend since I'm on vacation for two weeks to restart citalapram 20mg and don't stop and give it time! Recommend me taking during the day since I'm home and my wife is there to monitor! Any advice here would be great! To
Me seems worth it

03-07-2015, 01:57 PM
I was on citalapram 20mg for one year! No issues felt great and happy! I had a techacardia incident when my heart went from 89 bpm to 178bpm mainly because I was drinking evey night(heavy crap)! My cardiologist yanked me off the citalapram in December ! Starting in January I was waking up with burning sensations all over my body and my head hurting bad! It went from nigjt to day as I started getting stronger attacks! My basic doctor put me back on citalapram but I only lasted 2 weeks as the attacks for worse( and I was taking at night which seemed to act as a insomnia trigger)! So we decided to go to meditation and yoga with excersize! It's calmed it down but now the attacks are during the day and partial at night! They have gone from chest pain or burning to shaking! And I mean waking up or during the day shaking like I'm outside in -10 degree weather! After I calm down the subside! Naturally my blood pressure is high during the attack 154/99! It goes down to normal 20 minutes later.

The doc has prescribed clonozapram for the attacks and it seems to work however she prescribed .05 and said only take when neccessary during attack! So naturally I takenit feel great 24 hours, after here they come! Is my body getting addicted to this?

Finally I seeked a second opnion, they recommends a nurologist test set up for this Monday and also recommend since I'm on vacation for two weeks to restart citalapram 20mg and don't stop and give it time! Recommend me taking during the day since I'm home and my wife is there to monitor! Any advice here would be great! To
Me seems worth it

I agree to go back on the meds and give it time. You already know it takes a bit of time

The first time I tried coming off of them was when a close family member passed away. That was a horrible idea

After getting through the months if miserable brain zaps, they final stopped and I was great......for 2 weeks

Then I went back to feeling horrible. Worse than it was to begin with

So I went back on Effexoer. It took 7 weeks to a felt pretty good again. 12 weeks to normal

And my doctor asked me always take it in the morning and not in the evening. I never asked why but just sayin my doc said the same thing

03-07-2015, 02:52 PM
I agree to go back on the meds and give it time. You already know it takes a bit of time

The first time I tried coming off of them was when a close family member passed away. That was a horrible idea

After getting through the months if miserable brain zaps, they final stopped and I was great......for 2 weeks

Then I went back to feeling horrible. Worse than it was to begin with

So I went back on Effexoer. It took 7 weeks to a felt pretty good again. 12 weeks to normal

And my doctor asked me always take it in the morning and not in the evening. I never asked why but just sayin my doc said the same thing

Thanks for the advice