View Full Version : New Member :D sharing story more or less...

08-09-2008, 07:55 AM
Heyyy guys,

this is my first time posting on a forum about this all... so ill try and explain what im going through! and hopefully talking through it might help!

I experienced my first panic attack for NO apparent reason while in glasgow, just before i was due to come home, chest discomfort and then left arm tingles, and sweaty etc etc strange feeling of impending doom, this was around three months ago. while there we were joking looking up on the internet about heart attacks... not a good idea! i spent the whole time travelling home worrying about nothing, and panicking.

This panic state lasted a few days on and off, even a trip to the hospital to see. but everything seemed to come back normal, ECG. though i did find out i had high blood pressure. which worried me even more! i went through another stage of headaches/muscle pains/eating problems.

another few weeks passed, still in a little bit of a panic state. i seen a GP who put me on Half Inderal to bring the blood pressure down. which seemed to take away the whole thing for a little bit, i still felt like i was sore, my whole body just tired all the time. aching for no reason. Left arm and leg in particular! recently the past few days ive been getting the chest discomfort back, really mildly, but every so often i get a little jolt which sends me into panic mode!

Since this has happened i havent been able to sleep, and im constantly worrying about things that arent happening. like having a stroke or a heart attack. and its really disrupting my life, im afraid to travel or anything or be alone. im a 22 year old male and its really not a good boat or one i want to be in at the moment!

Also ruling out all medical problems is hard in a NHS country eh?!
i have an appointment with a cardiologist on the 26th of this month, so im worried about that...

Its all taking over my life!!!!! I needddd help!

Anxious Frank
08-09-2008, 08:53 AM
Ouch. That really sucks. And to have it happen so suddenly too! It must be very scary. What if I stay like this forever?

Sounds like you're on top of it, keep one step ahead and you'll be fine. This too will pass.