View Full Version : CREATIVE PEOPLE

08-08-2008, 08:20 PM
They say people who are creative tend to suffer at times in life - some more than others. But what I want to know is did these high levels of symptoms exist over the last 10 or 20 years or are they just a sign of the times? I know artists like Van Gogh (?) chopped his ear off to make himself suffer for the sake of art. But did any of them throw up, pass out, have out-of-body experiences, anxiety/depression/anger etc etc etc?


08-08-2008, 08:48 PM
I'm not sure. I'm sure there were cases of anxiety back then but we live in a hectic time in this day and age so I am not surprised that anxiety is becoming an increasingly mental issue. In some of Charles Darwin's writings he would talk about these akward feelings. They sounded jus' like symptoms of anxiety. He had a creative imagination, a very creative imagination. Almost, fairy-tale-like.

Anxious Frank
08-09-2008, 02:52 AM
A creative mind is always working, coming up with new ideas and new ways of linking old ideas together. It's just as easy to think up novel ways to hamstring yourself with anxiety laden thoughts as it is to think up an idea for a painting or a scientific theory. Sort of like two sides of the same coin.

08-09-2008, 03:53 PM
Also consider that a mind that is always 'on the go' is going to stress and exhaust itself. And anxiety disorder is largely the result of a stressed and exhausted mind.

08-12-2008, 01:38 PM
I think that the lifestyle we lead today is definitely condusive to anxiety, however, I think anxiety has not been confined to the past 20 years - even the past 50. There are a lot of references in classic literature to people with "hysteria" (a condition so named as to be specific to women) and "nervous complaints" or a "nervous" personality. These terms seem to reference symptoms that today I would call anxiety.

As a creative person, I feel that I am more "sensitive", but I don't feel that this sensitivity is the main contributing factor to my anxiety. My sister is quite literal-minded, and suffers worse than I do. For us, I believe it is both genetic and learned in childhood - our father has OCD and our mother has suffered from a "nervous stomach" our entire lives.

08-13-2008, 11:02 AM

I think if you come from an anxious household you grow to be an anxious person. you need to develop your self confidence and esteem if you can. and also try not to feel guilt or be a perfectionist.
