View Full Version : Impossible to rest

03-05-2015, 04:21 AM
The beast is just wreaking havoc on me at night now. My own fault for switching my medication to before bed, but I needed the switch. Now, all I can do is lay awake and panic at every little fake side effect I think I'm having. Thing is, I don't get these during the day, only when my mind has nothing else to do.

I smoke and I drink camomile tea before bed. Thought that'd be enough to curb the edge. Hasn't helped.

03-05-2015, 04:55 AM
The beast is just wreaking havoc on me at night now. My own fault for switching my medication to before bed, but I needed the switch. Now, all I can do is lay awake and panic at every little fake side effect I think I'm having. Thing is, I don't get these during the day, only when my mind has nothing else to do.

I smoke and I drink camomile tea before bed. Thought that'd be enough to curb the edge. Hasn't helped.

Hi there :)

I've always taken meds in the morning. Hopefully this settles down once your system gets used to them (which can take a while).

Anxious minds are great at finding things to panic about!

Bye for now,
Gypsy x