View Full Version : Need help back to my peaceful path.

03-04-2015, 10:12 PM
I have no clue why i have anxiety, well i mean i kinda always had it when i drive on the freeway, like i can drive on the freeway for a long period of time... But what gets me is now I'm getting anxious at my home! , or when i go out with my close friends! , things haven't been the same for me. My panic attacks used to be crazy, like I'm going to die and because I'm scared to die anyways i freak out and dont wanna leave my mom and family/friends. Its something in the back of my head that is stuck back there and its hard for me to figure out why its there. Then i think when i never went thru this which stress me out more. Im a drinker i slowed down a lot since my panic attacks because i feel even more helpless drunk and going thru this.... I wanna get meds, but for a psychological standpoint as far as the worry thoughts. And i don't wanna be a zombie , or a pill popper I'm only 23.. I do suffer from mild depression, i got a anxiety book it calms me down but i got to keep reminding. Myself .. When i go out i get sad because ppl living their live carefree , and im worry about dumb stuff . I just need guidance and to figure out why all of a sudden i got anxiety esp panic attacks.

03-05-2015, 03:28 AM
First off, hello!
Second... It may seem as though people are out there living their care free lives, but I assure you, we all have our struggles. AND, something to the tune of 1 in 20 people on this planet suffer from "panic disorder" and/or "anxiety"...
I know your feeling of dying and being afraid. I have been there too. The sad part is the thing that helped me... About "dying" anyway... Was when my Mom passed 6 years ago... I tell myself now if it's good enough for her, it's good enough for me. Strange, I know... But we are all going to face it one day. Those are the facts...
It reminds me of a saying... I can't remember who said it right now but it goes something like this:

"Life asked Death: Why do people love me but hate you? And Death responded: Because you are a beautiful lie and I am the painful truth..."

03-05-2015, 03:50 AM
I have no clue why i have anxiety, well i mean i kinda always had it when i drive on the freeway, like i can drive on the freeway for a long period of time... But what gets me is now I'm getting anxious at my home! , or when i go out with my close friends! , things haven't been the same for me. My panic attacks used to be crazy, like I'm going to die and because I'm scared to die anyways i freak out and dont wanna leave my mom and family/friends. Its something in the back of my head that is stuck back there and its hard for me to figure out why its there. Then i think when i never went thru this which stress me out more. Im a drinker i slowed down a lot since my panic attacks because i feel even more helpless drunk and going thru this.... I wanna get meds, but for a psychological standpoint as far as the worry thoughts. And i don't wanna be a zombie , or a pill popper I'm only 23.. I do suffer from mild depression, i got a anxiety book it calms me down but i got to keep reminding. Myself .. When i go out i get sad because ppl living their live carefree , and im worry about dumb stuff . I just need guidance and to figure out why all of a sudden i got anxiety esp panic attacks.

Nice quote Alex :)

I thought the same as Alex about "people living carefree lives". My brother's friend once said to him that I seem to "cruise along through life" or something. My brother told him nothing is further from the truth. You never know what people are going through and I think the stats are even higher than 1 in 20 for anxiety disorders, and I bet they get higher all the time.

You're in good company here with people living "non-carefree" lives ;)

Gypsy x

03-05-2015, 04:31 AM
Nice quote Alex :)

I thought the same as Alex about "people living carefree lives". My brother's friend once said to him that I seem to "cruise along through life" or something. My brother told him nothing is further from the truth. You never know what people are going through and I think the stats are even higher than 1 in 20 for anxiety disorders, and I bet they get higher all the time.

You're in good company here with people living "non-carefree" lives ;)

Gypsy x

Yeah... Hahahhaha... I am not sure I know of ONE person living a "care free" life... Not ONE! Lol :)

03-05-2015, 12:33 PM
Hahhaha let me rephrase that since ik people got they problems , just when i go out i just know im worrying like crazy and trying to keep calm if i feel like a panic attack about to strike.. Its super annoying. I guess i have a hard time believing nothings wrong , because the symptoms of a panic attack is noo joke..