View Full Version : idk.

08-08-2008, 04:37 PM
Hello, well like a day ago i went to the ER because i was experiencing chest pain and shortness of breath
they did a EKG on my heart and they said it was fine. and they did all kinds of blood tests on me and they all came back negative.
I'm scared because the DR. told me that i might have a blood clot in my lungs (this was before they did the CAT scan) and i freaked out, and it turned out i didn't have anything wrong with my lungs in the end.
But I'm still experiencing chest pain and shortness of breath, not to mention, my back hurts, and my arms feel numb.
Did he misdiagnose me? or am i just paranoid? and is this just anxiety like he said.
Im really scared.
Thanks for your time

P.s: by the way, i am only 19 years of age.

08-08-2008, 08:52 PM
If the doctor said everything was ok, then everything is ok. People who suffer from anxiety usually have extensive medical tests to ensure that there is nothing wrong with them. I've heard stories, where they would go to hospitals a few times a year only to be released later that day. It is very common. It is also normal to feel afraid or worry that you were misdiagnosed. I had irrational fears of brain tumors, retinal detachment and so on and so forth. All of the symptoms you have described are in line with the symptoms of anxiety. Relax, there is nothing wrong with you.

Hang in there!!
-James (AOL Instant Message Me!!)