View Full Version : What is the key to cure Anxiety?

03-04-2015, 07:39 AM
Hi. Can someone tell me what it takes to get rid of anxiety for good? I have heard about vitamins, yoga, meditation, relaxation techniques and doing exercises but what it takes to finally wake up someday without that shakiness and come back to normality? Do I have to relax myself and exercise regularly to break that anxiety and adrenaline pumping habit? what it takes to get rid of these body symptoms and reactions?

03-04-2015, 03:08 PM

The below link is my personal experience, and thread at this forum in becoming anxiety free.



03-04-2015, 04:40 PM
Hi. Can someone tell me what it takes to get rid of anxiety for good? I have heard about vitamins, yoga, meditation, relaxation techniques and doing exercises but what it takes to finally wake up someday without that shakiness and come back to normality? Do I have to relax myself and exercise regularly to break that anxiety and adrenaline pumping habit? what it takes to get rid of these body symptoms and reactions?

You'll get different answers to this from everyone I think. My answer would be that it's a "process of evolution" in other words it's something you have to go through. Some people will never get there (like my mother) because they won't face themselves and their fears basically.

I still wake up with my heart racing sometimes but not half as often as I used to. I think it's because I've gone so far out of my comfort zone in the last few years that things just don't scare me like they used to. In a way I've rewired my brain by doing things that would've terrified me in the past and showing myself that I won't die. That's the heart of anxiety if you ask me.

Of course, there are lots of things you can do to help your anxiety - deep breathing, exercise, meditation, sobriety (that was a big one for me) and so on. Also, SSRIs helped me out of my worst episodes of anxiety and depression and I still take them, so I won't discount medication. But as I say, I think you need to face your fear head on to really crack the anxiety nut. And that takes time and life experience.

All the best :)
Gypsy x

03-05-2015, 03:28 PM
You'll get different answers to this from everyone I think. My answer would be that it's a "process of evolution" in other words it's something you have to go through. Some people will never get there (like my mother) because they won't face themselves and their fears basically.

I still wake up with my heart racing sometimes but not half as often as I used to. I think it's because I've gone so far out of my comfort zone in the last few years that things just don't scare me like they used to. In a way I've rewired my brain by doing things that would've terrified me in the past and showing myself that I won't die. That's the heart of anxiety if you ask me.

Of course, there are lots of things you can do to help your anxiety - deep breathing, exercise, meditation, sobriety (that was a big one for me) and so on. Also, SSRIs helped me out of my worst episodes of anxiety and depression and I still take them, so I won't discount medication. But as I say, I think you need to face your fear head on to really crack the anxiety nut. And that takes time and life experience.

All the best :)
Gypsy x

It is also remarkable that many people with anxiety have a parent with similar issues. My mother also has severe agoraphobia. She can function, but she cannot go to big stores or train stations.
I was a bit worse than she is, but there is some genetics involved I think.

However, no matter how much your turn it, Gypsy is totally right. You will not get cured until you face it and rewire the way you think.

03-05-2015, 05:37 PM
It is also remarkable that many people with anxiety have a parent with similar issues. My mother also has severe agoraphobia. She can function, but she cannot go to big stores or train stations.
I was a bit worse than she is, but there is some genetics involved I think.

However, no matter how much your turn it, Gypsy is totally right. You will not get cured until you face it and rewire the way you think.

Yeah mine is genetic and environmental in that mum has bad anxiety and the way she was with me reinforced that the world is a scary place basically. I see her with my daughter and think "my god, imagine what she was like with me!" lol.

But because of her age and her temperament she's never really done anything about it. My brother (who also had it) and I used to say she should try medication and she'd say "I'm too old to change!" - that was over 20 years ago. She's in her 70s now and she'll die with anxiety.

My anxiety was that bad that I couldn't function so I HAD to do something about it. For a long time I did all the wrong things (alcohol and drugs) and that culminated in physical problems that landed me in hospital twice (once in intensive care for a week). Well then I really had to face up to myself lol.

So basically my anxiety took me as far as a person can go without dying. I don't recommend this path haha but it's one way of getting to a place where you face the anxiety head on. Then I had to do everything sober and I did stuff that I would never have imagined and pushed myself to the limit again but in a different way.

As I say, this is not a way of tackling anxiety that I recommend lol. But maybe my horrible story can help others who are suffering.
