View Full Version : My body feels like it's at a breaking point, please help

03-02-2015, 09:46 PM
Lately my body has felt like it just wants to shut down, my muscles feel extremely weak and they'll tremble often especially right after I wake up. My anxiety was never so severe it gave me physical discomfort like this, but it's like my legs and arms are just utterly weak and feel extreme discomfort often. My stomach will feel like I want to vomit. Today, I woke up feeling like I was being suffocated and had a hard time moving. My hypochondria makes it far worse when every little feeling I have is intensified tenfold, I'm so scared of my body shutting down forever. Anybody else had this feeling of weak, sore muscles that feel like they wanna stop working? How'd you deal with it?

03-03-2015, 01:30 AM
Hello there :)

Yeah I know what you mean I think. Muscles do start to lose strength very quickly if you don't use them. I'm not sure how old you are (the older you are, the more important it is to use your muscles) but you really need to stay active. I know this because my mother has got problems with her legs and because of the pain she has lost all muscle strength in them (she's in her 70s). Even going for a ten minute walk will make quite a difference though. If you find it hard to leave the house, just try and do something physical within it. You'll find they hurt less as well if you go for a walk every day or whatever.

All the best to you,
Gypsy x