View Full Version : fear of people looking through my personal information

03-02-2015, 07:38 PM
I am suffering from a lot OCD and my fear are with germs including serious diseases that you can get from other people. I'm afraid to touch or be near people and i'm apart of another forum group where i can ask questions to kind of help me get through my days. I usually do it through my phone and today at work somebody noticed that my phone was on the floor and later on when I got home the thought that maybe my phone wasn't locked and they went to my internet and read every question and fear that i write. Now i have the feeling that they will think i have some kind of bad disease since i look up so much info about it and ask questions and will think I'm disgusting. i don't want false rumors spreading around and people just assuming. it sucks that i feel so unsafe everywhere I go. I know it's strange somebody would just go looking in my phone, but I know it can happen.

03-02-2015, 09:36 PM
I am suffering from a lot OCD and my fear are with germs including serious diseases that you can get from other people. I'm afraid to touch or be near people and i'm apart of another forum group where i can ask questions to kind of help me get through my days. I usually do it through my phone and today at work somebody noticed that my phone was on the floor and later on when I got home the thought that maybe my phone wasn't locked and they went to my internet and read every question and fear that i write. Now i have the feeling that they will think i have some kind of bad disease since i look up so much info about it and ask questions and will think I'm disgusting. i don't want false rumors spreading around and people just assuming. it sucks that i feel so unsafe everywhere I go. I know it's strange somebody would just go looking in my phone, but I know it can happen.

The beauty of today and electronics is, you can just say you were hacked if anybody ever sees your personal stuff

Nope. I didn't write or do that

Oh you read that I posted I had concerns of terrible things I may have? Yeah, somebody did that from my phone

No,worries. I am sure they didn't go through your phone but you have so many options if they ever do!

03-02-2015, 10:09 PM
That is a fear of mine (people looking through my computer/email), but I keep personal information on flash drives - and hidden. I have an old phone for calls only.

Fear of germs is a large reason I don't go out all that much and avoid touching people, or things with my hands.

That is good advice though - say I was hacked should something like that happens!