View Full Version : Terrified - possible TMI

03-02-2015, 08:39 AM
4 years ago I had to be sent to the hospital for tests because my doctor saw some abnormal cells on my smear test. As I was leaving his office with the referral letter, he actually used the phrase "I don't think we're at Jade Goody stage just yet."

Obviously this comment was completely inappropriate & for someone with anxiety it was an absolute nightmare. These words have stuck with me for so long. The hospital tests were negative for precancerous cells, but those words still haunt me

Last week I had to have a follow up smear test. I was scared enough as it was after the previous time. However this time the nurse said I bled a lot and that things didn't look right. She called in a doctor for a second opinion, yet she still was not sure. So now I'm waiting on my results, which could take 2 weeks to come through.

I'm absolutely terrified for the results. I've worked myself up so much over it that I've been in tears for days and I can't concentrate on anything. I've done the worst thing and consulted Dr Google which isn't helping any at all, of course it hasn't.

I don't know what to do. I keep being told to not worry about it, but it's so hard to think of anything else. Has anyone got any advice for me, because I can't keep thinking of the worst for the next 2 weeks when there's nothing I can do about it.

03-02-2015, 09:15 AM
4 years ago I had to be sent to the hospital for tests because my doctor saw some abnormal cells on my smear test. As I was leaving his office with the referral letter, he actually used the phrase "I don't think we're at Jade Goody stage just yet."

Obviously this comment was completely inappropriate & for someone with anxiety it was an absolute nightmare. These words have stuck with me for so long. The hospital tests were negative for precancerous cells, but those words still haunt me

Last week I had to have a follow up smear test. I was scared enough as it was after the previous time. However this time the nurse said I bled a lot and that things didn't look right. She called in a doctor for a second opinion, yet she still was not sure. So now I'm waiting on my results, which could take 2 weeks to come through.

I'm absolutely terrified for the results. I've worked myself up so much over it that I've been in tears for days and I can't concentrate on anything. I've done the worst thing and consulted Dr Google which isn't helping any at all, of course it hasn't.

I don't know what to do. I keep being told to not worry about it, but it's so hard to think of anything else. Has anyone got any advice for me, because I can't keep thinking of the worst for the next 2 weeks when there's nothing I can do about it.

Hey there - I am a guy so I do not personally know exactly what you are going through but have a good idea.

A few years back, my wife had her test done and they saw something they called "suspicious" and sent it out for biopsy. And they said the same thing, 10 days until the results were in.

Unfortunately, we were leaving for vacation the following day. That was the longest vacation ever. I tried to keep her focused on fun the whole time to avoid worrying.

The good news is all was fine. And since you have had a previous similar scare, the result will also probably be good news.

Worst case scenario and highly unlikely, anything wrong would be caught early and easily treatable. Again, I do not believe that is the case.

And you are right about docs, they are so used to dealing with so many issues, sometimes they do not do a great job of speaking tactfully to ease your concern as they tell you things. Especially with someone with anxiety.

I hope you can keep things happy for the next days

03-02-2015, 04:22 PM
Hi there :)

Ok these pap tests cause dramas for so many women.

I had an abnormal one about ten years ago and had to have the laser treatment at the gyno, but haven't had a problem since. That's usually as bad as it gets and it's not that awful.

The cancer is really, really unlikely and it takes about ten years to develop, so they always detect it before it goes anywhere.

There's been discussions on these tests and how much worry they cause women unnecessarily. Doctors need to be aware of this and reassure you, not make you feel bad!

You'll be ok :)
Gypsy x

03-02-2015, 05:57 PM
Hey Temperance,

These types of scans are not my thing (naturally). But I do want to wish you best of luck with your results.

I hope Gyspy's words are comforting to you. With any type of cancer, time is vital, so I mean even if you got the worst outcome (which I don't believe you will!), you have lots on your side.

Take care x

03-03-2015, 04:34 PM
Thank you all for your responses. I'm trying to focus on other things so I don't drive myself crazy with worry haha!

I managed to speak to my doctor today & she put my mind at ease a little. Fingers crossed for good news.

03-03-2015, 05:27 PM
Fingers crossed for good news.


How's life outside of the medical scene, anyway? x

Matthew Booth
03-03-2015, 07:43 PM
Dr.Google is evil! Also no news is good news :)

03-03-2015, 07:58 PM
Dr Google is certainly evil lol.