View Full Version : Can you have anxiety and not know it?

08-07-2008, 09:15 PM
Hi folks, new around here obviously and have stumbled in through doing some internet research on symptoms I'm having. I bet a lot of people land here that way. smile

What I'm wondering is if its possible to have anxiety and not know it. For the past week and a half I've been having pretty significant, constant (seriously, nonstop every day all day) pressure in the top of my head and a slight feeling of disorientation. Toward the end of the day its grown into a what I call an "almost headache" and nausea begins to set in. Repeat every day.

After brief research I of course thought I had a tumor. My general practictioner, after hearing my symptoms had me scheduled for a CT scan the next day. The two days in waiting for the results were just about the worst of my life and my typically borderline bloodpressure jumped to around a 140/100. It was enough for my doc to finally decide to put me on blood pressure meds. None the less, the CT came back as normal. The symptoms persist and I'm scheduled for a nerologist visit at the end of the month.

So what I'm wondering, and back to my original query, is whether this could just be anxiety? I've seen a lot of stories of folks here who after many many doctor visits turn up to be healthy and normal and are just diagnosed with anxiety. I wonder if that could be me as well. However, I don't really feel anxious. On the other hand, when I analyze the current situation there's actually a lot that could cause anxiety. For example, I've recently become unemployed and my wife and I just got pregnant. But I didn't like my job and we were trying. So I don't think I'm anxious about those things. Is it possible for anxiety to be more at a subconcious level and still manifest through persistent physical symptoms like I described above?

After reading some stuff on the site here and other sites...I realize that I exhibit some pretty anxious behaviours that I never really considered as anxious: borderline OCD (checking to see if the door's locked 4 times, and going back to check the burner for a 3rd time even though I know its off and I get mad at myself for going through with it again), pretty persistent gastrointestinal problems which are unmedicated, people consider me to be laid back and easy going even though I get very worked up under the surface relatively easily, I worry about all sorts of small things all the time, and have thought I was going to die early since I was very young, have a persistently borderline to high blood pressure and high pulse. Does that about cover it? I'm 32. I've never had a panic attack or anxiety attack that I'm aware of.

So, can you be anxious without even knowing it? To the point of having symptoms that won't go away and can effect your lifestyle. Sorry for the lengthy first post, but eh, it felt good. Take care...

08-07-2008, 10:01 PM
It does sound like you definitely have some anxiety. And yes, you can have anxiety and not be aware of it - but just as you have done some research and found out, now you know. That's how a lot of people find out. I am 30 and have had symptoms my entire life - but no one ever said anything, and no doctor ever said anything to me about it. I have, however, had two severe panic attacks in my life, so that was a clue for me. :)

As for your job and baby situation. Even though you didn't like the job, and were trying to get pregnant - those are still huge things. Sometimes out subconcious can feel stressed or pressured without us actually identifying those emotions. You may be fully aware of the things you're doing, but that doesn't mean that its not stressful. Those two things are pretty stressful.

Try to take some time every day to take a few deep breaths and relax. Take a walk or a hot shower - something just for yourself that will help you to relax a bit. This will help overall. If those don't work, there are many ways to relax the mind and body with or without the use of meds.