View Full Version : First week of meds almost over

03-01-2015, 08:50 AM
So I've been on my Zoloft, 25mg, for 5 days now, and the first week is almost over. Doctor is having me up it to 50mg after the first week. It's been driving me nutz, and given me a couple panic attacks. The side effects are scary, considering the anxiety that I'm trying to get rid of got worse because of a health scare.

My appetite goes from none to constantly hungry, randomly. I feel unbalanced, like I could lose my step whenever I move. I feel detached, sometimes like I'm not inside my own body. I guess the list can go on and on.

It's all scary to me. I've never had to take prescription medication before.

03-01-2015, 04:08 PM
Hopefully just 3 more weeks to go until things settle. SSRIs are weird. At first they're so powerful, then taking them becomes like eating Smarties.

03-01-2015, 04:17 PM
I've had the exact same experience. I am hoping that it goes away. After a month the doctor doubled my dose of Zoloft, and it's been a couple of weeks now. I don't know if it has helped or hurt.

03-01-2015, 06:45 PM
Hopefully just 3 more weeks to go until things settle. SSRIs are weird. At first they're so powerful, then taking them becomes like eating Smarties.

Lol, that made me laugh, the smarties part. I took my dose after I posted this morning, and took a nap afterwards because I didn't sleep much last night, and I felt amazing after waking up. So I'll be switching my dose to night rather than morning, seeing as it felt better.

03-01-2015, 07:29 PM
Hopefully just 3 more weeks to go until things settle. SSRIs are weird. At first they're so powerful, then taking them becomes like eating Smarties.

That made me laugh - the "just 3 more weeks" part. Just 3 more weeks of massive panic attacks to go!

I've been on and off SSRIs for twenty years and the first couple of weeks suck. I need benzos to get through it. But at some point it does kick in and you feel pretty good (or at least better than before you started them).

Cheers :)
Gypsy x