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02-27-2015, 11:38 AM
Does anxiety impede your work? To what extent?

02-27-2015, 11:47 AM
When I used to work, my anxiety was not quite as bad as it is now, but yes it sure did.

To what extent: I would say when confronted with aggression from the boss(s), my fight or flight response would kick in; always. My answer was always to flight and why I was unable to make my way(s) up the food chain as others did.

My only advice to you (and my past self) would be to stand up for what you know if right.

Hope that help a bit.

02-27-2015, 12:08 PM
I work full time but at times struggle to be productive and concentrate on what needs to be done while I am working. I work in the media field and part of my job involves going out and talking to people. Sometimes that involves talking to complete strangers so that causes me anxiety. I also have agoraphobic tendencies so it can make it hard to go to certain places whether I'm working or off for the day.
Today is not one of my better days at work. I was anxious before I even left my house and my anxiety has been fluctuating all day. Thankfully one of my ways to get it down is to focus on specific tasks so I'm trying to do that right now.