View Full Version : my ears

08-07-2008, 03:06 PM
My ears are super sensitive today for some reason.
Could it be from Anxiety?

08-07-2008, 09:52 PM
Explain what you mean by super-sensitive? Anxiety plays with us in the way where our senses become very sharp. I tend to notice a lot more things when I am keyed up. I notice more things visually though. Sometimes I'll pick up on a faint sound that I believe goes unnoticed by the average person without anxiety. It makes sense too. Remember when you were little and thought there was a monster in your closet? Remember while you were laying in bed, hearing faint noises and saying, "What was that?" Or if you are home alone at night, for example. People start hearing more noises than they would normally hear during the day with company. Relax and calm down. If you do pick up faint noises, then your auditory senses are sharp!!

Hang in there!!
-James (AOL Instant Message Me!!!)

08-08-2008, 11:42 PM
My ears are super sensitive today for some reason.
Could it be from Anxiety?

Maybe you ACTUALLY have something wrong with your ears...

If your posting an ear symptom in an anxiety forum, I suspect that you suffer from anxiety as well, is that the case? If so, please see a posting Bridgie made for me. It's called "Posting for member Paul." You may find it enlightening. I stopped my anxiety and panic cold by focusing on the ears as being the source of the problem. I can't link to the post yet. I need 10 posts and 7 days on forum first. It's still on the front page of the general category so should be easy to find.


08-13-2008, 01:17 PM

changes to sensory organs can be a sign of anxiety, sensitive hearing (i wear ear plugs sometimes), funny smells emanating from your body, strange tastes, metallic in the mouth. all common to anxiety, they will go.