View Full Version : Sudden anger or rage

02-25-2015, 12:46 PM
For some reason i have been experiencing sudden fits of rage..i just flew off the handle at co-workers because none of them appear to know how to close a door. Really an overreaction. Also I mam scheduled soon to work with my employer one one on a new computer system for him...just the thought sends me over the edge..I feel like I am baby sitting and I can't make things work the way he thinks they should ( he's 88). I used to could handle this, but not right now. I have a minor surgery coming up in a few weeks, nothing major, I'm comfortable with it and not worried, I wonder if i channeling any anxiety I maybe having towards the surgery out as anger at other things. I think I'm headed home for the day before I get fired...sick nauseous feeling and now starting to shake...I think I need to retreat.

02-25-2015, 01:00 PM
A good walk, followed up by an Epsom Salt bath always helps me end my workday.

02-25-2015, 01:01 PM
But I do need to take a chill pill at night to be fully rested for the next work day.

02-25-2015, 01:05 PM
Low blood sugar(Hypoglycemia) may also cause that problem w/ anger outbursts too. I always snack during the day. A protein shake w/ caffeine in it(Mocha or Cappuccino). Also A good lunch daily always helps, esp for a job where you have the luxury of having a nice Cafateria to take a lunch break or at least p/u your lunch and eat it wherever you feel comfortable taking lunch break. Breaks at work are very important.

02-26-2015, 09:43 AM
Low blood sugar(Hypoglycemia) may also cause that problem w/ anger outbursts too. I always snack during the day. A protein shake w/ caffeine in it(Mocha or Cappuccino). Also A good lunch daily always helps, esp for a job where you have the luxury of having a nice Cafateria to take a lunch break or at least p/u your lunch and eat it wherever you feel comfortable taking lunch break. Breaks at work are very important.

Thanx for advice....I felt better once I got home...pretty sleepless night, family member had heart attack last night, that got me rolling again, so very little sleep. Woke up anxious and shaky, took half a clanazapam(?) to take the edge off, I'm at work and all is well. Family member who had heart attack is going to be OK.

02-26-2015, 10:02 AM
Thanx for advice....I felt better once I got home...pretty sleepless night, family member had heart attack last night, that got me rolling again, so very little sleep. Woke up anxious and shaky, took half a clanazapam(?) to take the edge off, I'm at work and all is well. Family member who had heart attack is going to be OK.

These feelings (in your words) :

"sick nauseous feeling and now starting to shake...I think I need to retreat"

"Woke up anxious and shaky"

Are a precursor 'psychically' to physical events as yet actualized. In a small way, your pending surgery and short fuse at work contribute to these feelings, however you are, by intuition, reacting to events that have not happened yet. You feel something 'off' you see. And so you will dream about it, but forget in the morning. Dreams show you probable paths along with their effects.

This family member, if you think back, there were signs, both in their own mind and expression (physically and mentally), as to what was forthcoming if the as then current path was kept. These 'signs' of course are dismissed as heresy - if you will. And nonsensical so they are not addressed until the actual event which is highly symbolic that a change of heart is overdue. This of course will prevent any reoccurrence.

There is always a reason for the (your) anxiety, period. Either known - conscious (you acted badly), (you have some unresolved problems), or through the psyche you merely 'tune into' future events. Especially connected with the vibration of those close to you. You feel these, and sometimes if conscious you put them to words, "boy, if this person doesn't change their eating habits or smoking (for example), they will surely have a heart attack". As the actual event grows closer in duration, just like a surgery date, you see, the physical feelings will grow in terms of reflected sensations in the body.

Anxiety means something is 'off' you see. Sometimes with relationships, sometimes with the self, or both. Give meaning to the 'shakes', see? You cannot heal what you do not even recognize.

Of course my well meaning peers will point to all sorts of physical 'reasons' for the way you feel, blood sugar, whatever. But the self will not truly heal, all around now, until the inner work is done.

The irritability at work is a problem.
The heart attack is a problem
The degree of frustration is a problem.
The relationships with co workers are a problem.

There are many more problems, you know that.

You must work through them. This is tricky because they have many layers, the ones listed are just the outermost, meant to lead you deeper in until you strike the core.

An illness is a failure to solve a mental or psychological problem in the correct manner.

From my previous posts :

The self tries to solve a particular problem. In so doing, it may end up with a physical difficulty. The physical difficulty is meant to remind the personality of the inner problem behind it. The difficulty will be cleared up when the inner problem is.

You must be taught and trained to create responsibly. Yours is a training system (earth) for emerging consciousness. The training will serve you for existence in a variety of interrelated systems.

If the sorrows and agonies within your system were not felt as real, the lessons would not be learned.