View Full Version : GAD induced IBS?

02-25-2015, 04:21 AM
Hi all! I'm new to the site so please bear with haha!

I was diagnosed with GAD (Generalised Anxiety Disorder) about a month ago now and have been on treatment in the form of Sertraline (taken every day) and Diazepam (as and when needed).

Recently I've noticed a change in my toilet habits (TMI sorry!) and I was wondering whether the anxiety was the cause of this or whether it could possibly be IBS. I can go days without having a BM but then the next week have to go every day! This is making my anxiety worse because this is not the norm for me. A lot of people have said it could be change in diet but I don't feel as if I have been eating differently to normal? Others say it's due to anxiety but this is where it confuses me as I haven't been feeling that anxious until the symptoms (bloating, foul gas, stomach rumbling, urge to use the bathroom) start. Also, I find that the symptoms wear off if I'm distracted which makes me think it's purely all in my head.

My GP told me that IBS can be triggered by anxiety so it made me wonder if it's worth getting a test or something? Sorry if I sound like a total newbie but I'm getting frustrated with the way I'm feeling as I feel like I'm taking a step back with my anxiety issues. Any reassurance would be much appreciated

02-25-2015, 08:25 AM
Anxiety has an array of ways it screws with you

And yes, your GP is correct. IBS symptoms pretty common.

02-25-2015, 08:33 AM
The body only has so much blood, ya know? That's why anxiety can make you light-headed, screw with your stomach and affect a man's... well ya know.

Plus stress screws up your acid levels pretty badly. Most with anxiety complain about IBS, GERD, etc.

What kind of test were you thinking of having?

Two One
02-25-2015, 10:16 AM
This is fairly common. Anxiety takes a heavy toll on your GI tract. Last year around this time I was having very irregular bowel habits as well. I had loose stools every day from January to April or so but I attributed my symptoms to my anxiety and fear of catching the norovirus. It stopped once I stopped worrying about it every day and once I started seeing my current psychiatrist. It will go away with time, but for now I can say you should do your best to distract yourself. That always helped me, if I was really engaged in something I wasn't constantly worrying about whether I would have to go to the bathroom. Good luck.

03-05-2015, 12:56 AM
Thank you NixonRulz and jessed03! I've spoken to my GP since this and she said it could be possible IBS due to anxiety.

And TwoOne as I have emetophobia this is where my anxiety stems from so similar to you, worrying about getting ill. I do try and distract myself and take my mind off it but then I'll have to use the bathroom despite this then I begin to overthink again and believe that there's something wrong.

I find it happens to me weekly, having been a few days without a BM I'm going everyday now. It just goes from one extreme to the other I'm so confused!

03-17-2015, 11:51 AM
yes it can for sure