View Full Version : I don't understand! Why?

02-24-2015, 05:41 PM
Why is it that the people you love always disappoint you? I'm at a point in my life where I need some support and its like they just don't get it, I never asked to feel the way I feel I can't help it. It's like they just want you to snap out of it or get over it. Just wish they could walk a day in my shoes. But then again I wouldn't wish this feeling on my worst enemy. If only I had a mother to lean on but hey you can't miss something you never had. I'm wrapped up in my feelings:(

02-24-2015, 06:12 PM
Yeah, I often feel the same way. Lately I've been trying to change my mindset by turning it around and reminding myself that I let people down a lot too. Especially when my anxiety is up, I often flake out on plans I've made with people. I feel like my expectations of people are too high, and then I end up beating myself up about it because I feel guilty for expecting so much of people! My partner has an anxiety disorder too, so we both have to cut each other a lot of slack at times. The main thing that I am focusing on at present is trying to be kind to myself and others at all times. Easier said than done!

The only other thing I can suggest is to encourage your loved ones to learn more about your anxiety. It's really annoying when people say "Oh, I get anxious sometimes too, it's normal, just deal with it!" Yeah, a bit of anxiety is normal. But feeling anxious for a couple of hours one afternoon is very different to experiencing excessive anxiety every day for 20+ years! Given that the diagnosis for GAD is experiencing excessive anxiety more often than not for more than 6 months, mentioning that to people can help them to understand that anxiety disorder are really a thing, and is very very different to 'normal' anxiety.

It is difficult to get sufficient support from people who are unable or unwilling to try to understand. But that's what this forum is for!

02-24-2015, 06:33 PM
I guess maybe I do expect to much from people. My childhood was tough dealt with losing a lot of my family so I worry a lot always think something bad will happen to me. I know it can be hard on someone who has to deal with someone who has anxiety. I guess I feel this way cause I would never turn my back on someone I love dealing with it. Thanks for listening:)

02-24-2015, 08:49 PM
I guess maybe I do expect to much from people. My childhood was tough dealt with losing a lot of my family so I worry a lot always think something bad will happen to me. I know it can be hard on someone who has to deal with someone who has anxiety. I guess I feel this way cause I would never turn my back on someone I love dealing with it. Thanks for listening:)

It's not about them. If you make it about them, you will be left with resentment, blame, and emptiness. Do you understand?

Since you are projecting your feelings out upon others, they will act as you expect. Now the question is, are your expectations clear, are you in touch with self, or are your expectation more of a wish, where the real thought is that people often dissappoint or let you down. You must see clearly, you see. Now what you physically experience is a true representation of your inner expectations, so if you find the experience differs from your thoughts, the experience is the truth.

Now if you were only concerned with yourself, your actions, your life, and acted in your best interests, you would see the world unfold before your eyes, and open to your desires.

If you concentrated only on your personal development, life would change almost miraculously.

Let go of blame, get rid of it at once. Ban it from your being like a virus.