View Full Version : Hello there im looking for help and advice!

02-24-2015, 12:24 PM
Hello everyone! My name is Velga,i am 29 yrs old. I am mum of 2 wonderful kids and all the stuff started after second baby born.... I had happy pregnancy,i had planned C-section,everything went well.but 2 weeks after,suddenely i've got huge panic attack. I did not not it was that so i went to A&E. After that my happy life turn ot to hell. I had panic and anxiety at all the times. I went to doc for many times,and got citalopram for beginning. I was on it for 6 months,then stopped as i felt better.
After that about a year i was living normally and now past 3-4 months are terrible. Every single day morning to evening im having anxiety,nausea,im even trying to vomit when i cannot stand it anymore. Im dizzy and shaking. Last night i had pains in chest,went to surgery for ESG,the said,i had some extra beats,repeated today,all looked normal. But im still scared. Im scared at all the times when something hurts in my body,im so scared of think i can die or something. Sorry,it was long story :)

02-24-2015, 05:08 PM
Hi I am so sorry you are going through this. I too think something is going to happen to me Im worried about my health 24-7. I've never had a panic attack but I have anxiety and from what others have told me it can make you feel bad. Sorry I couldn't give you more advice as I'm new here and I'm going through it too. I hope it gets better for you soon your babies need you. I'm trying to get better for my babies too:)

02-25-2015, 02:21 AM
May i just ask,how do you cope with anxiety? Maybe we can suggest something to each other. :)

02-25-2015, 03:17 AM
Read about anxiety to understand it more. The more you understand it the less you'lkl fear it. Fear and worry is what powers anxiety. if you think negatively and assume the worst all the time anxiety will be in control. In reality we control anxiety and if you focus on the good in life anxiety's grip won't be as tight. There's a lot of information about anxiety online. Read about the fight or flight response, mindfulness and changing core beliefs. These are 3 good places to start. Take things slowly though. You don't want to wind up with too much on your plate and focusing on a variety of subjects.

The road to recovery is as long or as short as you make it. You have to be determined to overcome anxiety and persevere and be relentless in your pursuit for happiness and fulfillment in life. Health anxiety is common. When you're stressed your body will produce symptoms. Take it from someone who had pains and symptoms every moment of every day for over 5 years - things will get better if you maintain your focus. I had a list of symptoms that tallied over 150, some lasted seconds or minutes, others lasted days or weeks, and a few lasted months to a year. This was all due to me investing so much time in worrying about the symptoms. Often you'll notice one symptom replaces another. So you might have a headache and assume something scary like a tumour or aneurysm. Then perhaps you get chest pains and assume a hearty attack or heart disease. I had this day in day out. I Googled every symptom and read terrifying things. Eventually I realized and rationalized I didn't have these conditions. i'd pestered Dr's and hospitals for years convincing myself it was a physiological problem. When you're stressed your body can and will cause any symptom imaginable. If you are scared of say chest pain then Google "Anxiety chest pain" and do this for other symptoms. This'll lead you to forums such as this where you'll see many people suffer like you.

But you needn't suffer indefinitely. You can and will overcome anxiety if you focus on the good in life. Instead of thinking or visualizing the bad or terrifying, visualise the good. Practice mindfulness and live in the moment and allow yourself to simply be happy. Learn about anxiety and also look to your body, nurture it with the happiness and love you want your mind to experience from life. Cut processed food from your diet, start with a light exercise regime and take up hobby's and creative outlets to really appreciate life.

Anxiety is a tool, much like the fight or flight response. but anxiety is bigger than that because it's a tool that isn't preventing us from enjoying our life, it's trying to show us that we need to change. We need to change our outlook, tackle core beliefs and work on bettering our lives. Life is all about change. It can be scary and cause anxiety, but the accomplishment and happiness you'll feel when you challenge anxiety and negative beliefs and enjoy life will be exquisite.
