View Full Version : School and awkward situations...help

02-24-2015, 12:50 AM
Hello I need to vent and hope people will hear me out and can relate..

I am taking a class that is highly interactive (normally this would spike my anxiety level off the charts!) and we have to do a group project. I am already familiar with the instructor and his teaching habits, he's pretty laid back and gives us room to express ourselves so I don't feel super anxious about him calling on us, or asking anything from us.

When it came time to decide groups, I was hoping he would assign groups but he made us choose our own groups. I normally look for people and plan out the entire group so I wont get stuck in the awkward phase of going around the classroom asking people if they have room for me (it's really uncomfortable and I find it to be slightly embarrassing like I'm a leftover.) So I ended up with 3 girls and they were nice enough to ask me if I had a group already and I shook my head and they just invited me into their group. Here's the problem...

All of them wanted to do something different, everyone had a different topic they wanted to discuss and I, too, wanted to present something different. We couldn't find common ground so I thought this was the worst mistake I've done because now I cant get out of it (and it just occurred to me that the girls acted pretty catty when they weren't getting their way, they started to talk over one another) I just needed a way out of this...

Okay, so basically my teacher made me move to another group and I was finally in a group I wanted to be in but now I feel a lot more anxious because I feel like this new group doesnt really want me in their group and also when we were discussing about ideas, concepts, topics to present-- another group next to us was laughing and joking about my ideas and laughing at me (dont think they were but everything makes me freak out) Also I needed to ask this new group if they even wanted me to join their group and it was awkward because the group next to us was, again, filled with catty girls staring straight at me and I felt very judged.

It sucks that I couldn't make friends on the first day of class, it would've been a whole lot easier to navigate and form a group when the time came but now I'm super frightened to go back to class next week because 1) I do not know where I should sit because what should i do if the 3 girls I abandoned, start looking at me bad for ditching them/ p.s. I sit next to them normally because everyone already has their preferred seats in class and 2) should I sit next to my new group even though I feel like they dont want me in their group and 3) the random group of girls that laughed at me will be there and continue to judge and or laugh,how should i handle it?

What should I do?

I do not know how to handle these situations and feel like nobody out there can relate or help

Now I REALLY dont want to go back to class next week. By the way, I am a sophomore in high school

02-25-2015, 08:33 AM
Ah, high school. How I so do not miss it!

You learned a great lesson about women today. You will never know how the hell to be around women without getting driven crazy.

People are never judging or talking about you anywhere how people believe they are. ANd with anxiety, that feeling is even worse.

Go to school, pick a group, stay with that group and run that group.

Show confidence and you can make people believe in you and your ideas even with the worst of suggestions.

Sales 101, my friend!

02-27-2015, 02:39 PM
Great advice NixonRulz. High school was awful mostly for me. I made it out alive though.

02-27-2015, 03:43 PM
Have to agree with Nixon on this one. Confidence isn't going to find itself. Own the project and the group, present your leadership and show everyone else in your class that you have what it takes. Anxiety will be biting at your heels the whole way, but have faith in yourself and conquer it.