View Full Version : Could it be a brain tumor?

08-07-2008, 12:46 PM
For about a month and a half, I've been experiencing very painful headaches almost everyday. It feels like someone is squeezing my head or a rubber band snapping on my head. The pain is sharp and can sometimes be very intense. Recently with these headaches, I feel a loss of balance. I felt very wobbly like a pulsing back and forth feeling. Most of the times when I get these headaches I'm at work or alone travelling. It really scares me causing me to react with great anxiety. I saw my doctor yesterday, she referred me to a neurologist. She said that these headaches could not be ignorred and she was really concerned. I won't be able to see the neurologist until August 25. The thoughts about possibly having a brain tumor frighten me. I think, " What if I really do have something? What will I do I have a brain tumor or something serious? What if I end up fainting after these headaches?" Since I get these sensations in public places, I feel anxious when I'm outside the house but I know I should go out to these public places instead of trying to avoid them. The thoughts depress me because I feel like I have to prepare for the worst and deal with the horrible aftermath.
I've had anxiety for about a year and a half. After experiencing many panic attacks, I thought I would be able to understand myself better. However, I've only faced new and scarier sensations and fears. It's frustrating because I feel like there's no stop to it. It makes me feel sad, angry, and hopeless. There seems to be no end. I'm tired of pushing myself and pretending to be ok. There was an eight month period where I didn't have panic attacks or these scary sensations but they have returned again almost everyday. I don't want anxiety to take over my life but it feels I have no control over it at times especially with these painful headaches occur along with the feeling like I'm losing my balance. I feel like I lost myself to anxiety. I want to see the brighter side of life like I used to, I want to enjoy life again.

08-07-2008, 06:43 PM
I am no doctor, so I would have no idea, it almost sounds like sinus headache, or allergies. Think positive, I know its very very hard to do, as I have my own worries!! Try as hard as you can, and keep your self busy, take deep breaths try and relax. I know how hard it is to try and relax trust me I know, but do the best you can. If you need to talk msn me anytime. I will say a prayer for you, please let me know how it all goes, I will be thinking about you.
Always and Best Wishes

08-07-2008, 07:34 PM
hey , i think every one who has anxiety thinks they have a brain tumour once in there time..i thought i had one becuase i felt dizzy and faint all the time with headaches, but the headaches are problly caused from stress and thinking about having something bad wrong with you..if you had a brain tumour you would have blurred vision in one eye, severe headaches, vomiting and the loss of some limbs..im no doctor but it might help ease your worries if you google brain tumours or something to see that you dont have any of the symptoms, just my 2 cents

good luck:)