View Full Version : Is what I have Anxiety?

02-23-2015, 05:42 PM
Hey all,
I am rather new to this site. I joined because I think I have GAD. But I can't be sure. My mum has anxiety and had pills for it, it runs in my family. About six months ago I was eating out at a restaurant and my mum pointed out to me that i was extremely anxious. I looked down and noticed I was shaking and tapping the table, I had been blabbering and fussing a lot over menu. My head hurt and I was worried. After that there was major events in my life that included a best friend break up then a boyfriend breakup and I lost everything except one person. I had no friends except my bff who I am VERY close to (I am a student and I am 13) We where both terribly bullied by them, they spread lies that made no one want to befriend us, (He had my old bestfriend over at his house and they got all weird and cuddled up all night so there was a huge blowup) I became clingy and jealous over here, afraid of losing the only thing that kept with me through the rough (not including family but they where not very supportive) . Then when things could not get worse. I moved school. I loved my old one so much, I am repeating year 9 because i was young. I feel depressed and I get worried about my friend at my other school because she badly suffers with depression and had been suicidal. She is 14. SH=he (a week later) Broke up with her boyfriend of 8 months and she will never know why he broke it off with her but she really liked him. We got through hard times and we where the only people who knew about one another problems. I have always worried and been a worrier. I I felt insecure and terrible. i was made fun of my body and how i looked (I am small and haven't hit puberty) My parents are not helpful because they thought it was teenage drama, which it was but it really tore me up. I had to attend a counselor and I was in a mentor programme because i have always been terrible socially. I cry all the time at the idea of school and I feel so sad I can't move and I crawl into my closet and sit there for hours. I get nervous and worry about little things. I was never rebellious in fear that the extreme unlikely would rear his ugly head, even if almost all doubt was removed it still lurked 'What if' is a common thought and I feel as if i am arguing with myself, like in my thoughts there is an angry little person who has something negative to say and I am trying to correct her. I get worried when I speak about this, even writing it here gets be shaky. I always have this feeling like I am going to cry and I can't help but wonder how i am going to survive 5 years of this school. I don't even know how i feel anymore. I am unsure and am always looking for a fight. There are days where I am happy and don't even feel like i need to argue with myself but other times i get so messed up i don't know if i can do on. Please nothing mean, I know i am young but i don't want to lie I really want to go on anxiety pills (If i have anxiety) But i don't know how to ask my mum without her judging or being weird about it, i don't want to be made fun off. Because i always feel as if i am lying, even when i re read things over and over and they are all true I can't shake the feeling. I don't like going near bridges or other things like that in case i have this random impulse to jump, just an random impulse out of no where. Please help

02-23-2015, 06:41 PM
Hey all,
I am rather new to this site. I joined because I think I have GAD. But I can't be sure. My mum has anxiety and had pills for it, it runs in my family. About six months ago I was eating out at a restaurant and my mum pointed out to me that i was extremely anxious. I looked down and noticed I was shaking and tapping the table, I had been blabbering and fussing a lot over menu. My head hurt and I was worried. After that there was major events in my life that included a best friend break up then a boyfriend breakup and I lost everything except one person. I had no friends except my bff who I am VERY close to (I am a student and I am 13) We where both terribly bullied by them, they spread lies that made no one want to befriend us, (He had my old bestfriend over at his house and they got all weird and cuddled up all night so there was a huge blowup) I became clingy and jealous over here, afraid of losing the only thing that kept with me through the rough (not including family but they where not very supportive) . Then when things could not get worse. I moved school. I loved my old one so much, I am repeating year 9 because i was young. I feel depressed and I get worried about my friend at my other school because she badly suffers with depression and had been suicidal. She is 14. SH=he (a week later) Broke up with her boyfriend of 8 months and she will never know why he broke it off with her but she really liked him. We got through hard times and we where the only people who knew about one another problems. I have always worried and been a worrier. I I felt insecure and terrible. i was made fun of my body and how i looked (I am small and haven't hit puberty) My parents are not helpful because they thought it was teenage drama, which it was but it really tore me up. I had to attend a counselor and I was in a mentor programme because i have always been terrible socially. I cry all the time at the idea of school and I feel so sad I can't move and I crawl into my closet and sit there for hours. I get nervous and worry about little things. I was never rebellious in fear that the extreme unlikely would rear his ugly head, even if almost all doubt was removed it still lurked 'What if' is a common thought and I feel as if i am arguing with myself, like in my thoughts there is an angry little person who has something negative to say and I am trying to correct her. I get worried when I speak about this, even writing it here gets be shaky. I always have this feeling like I am going to cry and I can't help but wonder how i am going to survive 5 years of this school. I don't even know how i feel anymore. I am unsure and am always looking for a fight. There are days where I am happy and don't even feel like i need to argue with myself but other times i get so messed up i don't know if i can do on. Please nothing mean, I know i am young but i don't want to lie I really want to go on anxiety pills (If i have anxiety) But i don't know how to ask my mum without her judging or being weird about it, i don't want to be made fun off. Because i always feel as if i am lying, even when i re read things over and over and they are all true I can't shake the feeling. I don't like going near bridges or other things like that in case i have this random impulse to jump, just an random impulse out of no where. Please help

Hi Danae and welcome :)

I see you are from NZ - hello from Australia.

Well it certainly sounds like anxiety/depression. My daughter is your age and the school picked up on her having anxiety last year. She's now seeing a counsellor once a month through the Headspace people -- it doesn't cost anything.. Do you know if NZ has anything like that? It's a youth mental health thing run by the govt and it seems very good.

Her father and I agree she's too young for anti-depressants at the moment. So she just sees the counsellor and we keep an eye on things like how much time she spends on social media (that was causing problems for her) and how much sleep she gets. Sleep is REALLY important for teenagers.

Something like CBT would probably help your thinking patterns. I reckon you should talk to your mum about seeing a doctor and maybe getting a referral to a counsellor. Although Headspace where my daughter goes doesn't even need a referral. I can't really comment on you going on medication for anxiety -- that's up to your mum and the doctor if you see one.

All the best and feel free to post on here about your worries :)
Gypsy x

02-23-2015, 07:27 PM
I googled youth mental health in NZ and it doesn't look like they have a thing like Headspace which has places all over the country where you can go and see a counsellor. So you'd need to go to a doctor and get a referral to a counsellor. But they do have some things online..

