View Full Version : Terrified of possible bat bite

02-22-2015, 08:34 PM
Hello, thanks for reading. I have been extremely terrified that i have been bitten by a bat lately. So here is the situation. I went outside one night, and i felt a pain on my shoulder blade. I immediately jumped to the conclusion a bat bit me. However, i didnt see a bat, hear a bat, or even feel a bat land on me. All i felt was a sharp prick like pain in my shoulder. Does the situation i described sound like a possible bat bite? Thanks for your time.

02-22-2015, 09:43 PM
it maybe a bat, but there must be something else that bit you. Probably some insects.

02-22-2015, 10:04 PM
Hello, thanks for reading. I have been extremely terrified that i have been bitten by a bat lately. So here is the situation. I went outside one night, and i felt a pain on my shoulder blade. I immediately jumped to the conclusion a bat bit me. However, i didnt see a bat, hear a bat, or even feel a bat land on me. All i felt was a sharp prick like pain in my shoulder. Does the situation i described sound like a possible bat bite? Thanks for your time.

can you turn into a vampire from a bat bite?

02-22-2015, 10:30 PM
can you turn into a vampire from a bat bite?

scientifically speaking, bat bites can lead to.......................vampire what?!!! seriously??!!

02-22-2015, 10:54 PM
can you turn into a vampire from a bat bite?

The reason why i am concerned about a bat bite is because bats are common carriers of the rabies virus. :(

02-22-2015, 11:23 PM
Hello, thanks for reading. I have been extremely terrified that i have been bitten by a bat lately. So here is the situation. I went outside one night, and i felt a pain on my shoulder blade. I immediately jumped to the conclusion a bat bit me. However, i didnt see a bat, hear a bat, or even feel a bat land on me. All i felt was a sharp prick like pain in my shoulder. Does the situation i described sound like a possible bat bite? Thanks for your time.

Are bats common where you are? If not then I very much doubt you were bitten by one. Even if they are common it's probably unlikely. I don't think they just bite people for no reason. Google bats and humans and see what their behaviour is like.


02-23-2015, 09:51 AM
scientifically speaking, bat bites can lead to.......................vampire what?!!! seriously??!!

Ya, you didnt know that!!??

02-23-2015, 09:59 AM
Ya, you didnt know that!!??

I live in the south, bats are very common, about the only way to get bit is to actually get bit is to handle the bat, they are very unlikely to swoop in a bite you. There normal food is insects except for some breeds in Africa and South America. The whole notion of turning into a Vampire from a bite is complete fiction.

02-23-2015, 10:01 AM
I live in the south, bats are very common, about the only way to get bit is to actually get bit is to handle the bat, they are very unlikely to swoop in a bite you. There normal food is insects except for some breeds in Africa and South America. The whole notion of turning into a Vampire from a bite is complete fiction.

Ugh,,,why did you ruin it for me...

just having fun....

02-23-2015, 10:02 AM
You would know if you got bit by a bat. It would have made quite a ruckus

02-23-2015, 11:19 AM
Ugh,,,why did you ruin it for me...

just having fun....

Sorry to be kill joy, these days ya never know what some people believe. My Bad.

02-23-2015, 11:23 AM
Sorry to be kill joy, these days ya never know what some people believe. My Bad.

hahaha, no bad. There are strange beliefs out there. You were looking out for me! : )

02-25-2015, 09:24 PM
well i went to the E.R today and explained the bat situation to a doctor. he says he doesnt recommend i get the shots. as a matter of fact, he said if his own son had the same situations he wouldnt give the shots to him. what do you guys think about the situation though? i would like some more opinions/reassurance... my fever is now gone but my muscles feel very weak and they have been spazzing/twitching slightly. im also freezing cold 100% of the time no matter how many blankets i have on... please share your thoughts.... thanks everyone

02-26-2015, 04:47 AM
well i went to the E.R today and explained the bat situation to a doctor. he says he doesnt recommend i get the shots. as a matter of fact, he said if his own son had the same situations he wouldnt give the shots to him. what do you guys think about the situation though? i would like some more opinions/reassurance... my fever is now gone but my muscles feel very weak and they have been spazzing/twitching slightly. im also freezing cold 100% of the time no matter how many blankets i have on... please share your thoughts.... thanks everyone

Consider yourself reassured. No bat took a bite of you

That would be great story to tell your grandkids oneday, though

Just tell everyone you did

02-26-2015, 02:57 PM
Not really fair is it? Get bitten by a spider: turn into Spiderman. Get bitten by a bat: get rabies.

02-26-2015, 03:06 PM

02-27-2015, 05:45 AM
Hey, don't worry. Visit a doctor, he will tell you the truth.