View Full Version : Take Part in an Anxiety Social Learning Experiment

02-22-2015, 02:20 PM
Hi All,
I would first like to introduce myself before detailing what this forum post is about.

My name is Matthew Stokes and I suffer from GAD (general anxiety disorder) I have also been researching anxiety academically for 5 years.

I would like to invite you the reader of this post to take part in a social learning experiment that is designed to ease the suffering of those who have different forms of anxiety.

The Experiment[/U]

The experiment's objective is to help provide some relief from anxious thoughts and feelings by having instant access to peer to peer support via Google hangouts and for group members to set themselves small achievable tasks in which they will be held accountable for completing by other group member's.

This will work by the group have 1 group meeting every two weeks at a specific time for 30 minutes where we set goals, offer advise and hold each other accountable if previous goals are not met.

The group will be small and interment. What is discussed in the group will not be discussed anywhere else outside of the group and will remain completely confidential. This group will be a place where you can express yourself freely without judgment and receive instant feedback or help.

Outside of the bi-weekly meetings the group can be used to post message when you are suffering from an anxiety attack to receive support.

I will take part in the group and facilitate the hangout. If this experiment proves useful and succeeds a charity will be created and something similar will be rolled out across the UK.


This section is about the type of volunteers I need. The Criteria is not strict all I ask is you keep an open mind and are willing to support other people. Any form of negative, sarcastic demeaning comments made to others in the group will result in immediate ejection from the group.

You will also need a smart phone in which you can download Google hangouts and create a Google plus account. (This can easily be done by going to your smart phones app store and searching Google hangouts)

I also need people who generally deep down want to improve their mental health and help others to do so to. I need people who can commit to this for the medium-long term which should not be difficult since all I need is 30 minutes of your time every two weeks and to answer someone’s call for help if a notification pops up on your mobile device.

If you would like to take part please direct message me to confirm your interest

Thank-you for reading.

02-22-2015, 05:41 PM
I only have dial up Internet. Another reason I can't be included in stuff from this century.

02-22-2015, 06:36 PM
I did not know that dial up internet still existed!

02-22-2015, 06:51 PM
I did not know that dial up internet still existed!

Oh yeah! I have heard rumors that we will soon be getting what is referred to as "cable" television..

02-23-2015, 12:33 AM
Thank-you for replying Nixon sorry to hear about your internet troubles hopefully you will get more robust infrastructure near you soon !!!

02-24-2015, 05:48 PM
This sounds like an intriguing idea.

02-24-2015, 08:22 PM
I only have dial up Internet. Another reason I can't be included in stuff from this century.

LOL Nixon.

This idea does sound good. I've got a lot on my plate atm but I will keep it in mind :)

02-25-2015, 03:57 AM
Thanks everyone for the support I have already had a few Messages from people who would like to take part. You have all made me even more determined to succeed in this journey of mine.

I'm also thrilled that people are interested in helping each other. At the end of the day we can have support from all the Doctors and Researchers in the world but no one can give support for anxiety best than someone who suffers from it themselves !!!