View Full Version : New person here.Can anxiety make you feel this bad?

02-20-2015, 08:48 PM
Hey everyone, just wondering if anyone knows how bad anxiety can make you feel physically? I'm experiencing complete loss of appetite,weightloss and fatigue. I've been diagnosed with anxiety but just don't believe that it's all anxiety because I feel physically sick my appetite is gone I have to force myself to eat and it's not much like one time a day. Ive had blood test done and vitamin d was low so I'm taking that. I've also had a gastric emptying test which came out ok. I've been dealing with this for almost 3 months now I've lost 15 pds and I'm now weighing 140pds and cant afford to lose more weight. I stomach feels full all day sometimes it burns under my right rib cage and radiates to the right side of my back. I wake up every morning between 5 and 6 with rapid heartbeat followed by diarrhea and feeling weak, the weakness last for hours. I Feel a little better in the evening but still not good. I've been out of work all week because I have no energy Im weak can't focus/concentrate on anything. I just think something is wrong with me. I think about this 24-7 everyday I can't get the negative thoughts out if my mind. I just need to talk to anyone who can relate or have advice. Please help.

02-20-2015, 08:56 PM
I just need to talk to anyone who can relate or have advice. Please help.

I suggest you reread your own thread. (Every word of it in its entirety).


02-21-2015, 01:37 AM
I think you also posted elsewhere to which I replied in, but yes, in my experience anxiety can control pretty much anything if you let it.

02-21-2015, 03:20 AM
Anxiety can make you feel like you've been hit by a truck. It can affect virtually every area of your body and mind if it's allowed to.

02-21-2015, 06:06 AM
I will post this mornings response here for convenience sake. But it is also in the other thread linked above.

To all readers, at any date in time that find their way into this thread :

Remember, 'anxiety' is not some personified beast, or demon hell bent on attacking you - I do not want you to (continue to) give over your power to a (fearful and false) mental projection - it is merely a label used to describe a set of inner feelings that are quite natural based on the mental 'atmosphere' that the psyche occupies. If the self paints gloomy portraits or paintings with dark colors, using the imagination to propel them onto canvas (into life), then that will be reflected in the world outside, which is simply a mirror of those stormy inner conditions.

In all cases, it is paramount to remember who the artist is, you see.

Let's discuss this 'funk' you are in. For it is a common one shared by many. With the intent of providing a spotlight to guide (all of) you out of it..

Quote Originally Posted by Anxiety34 -

"Hi Im-suffering, I really didn't mean to come off as nonchalant I think your advice was the best I've gotten so far and I really appreciate it. I've read your post over and over again and it makes so much sense I'm really trying to get out of this funk I am in. Again I appreciate it and I'm sorry."

No ones fault. Synchronicity - your thread will help many.

Its very important for you (every reader) to at least begin to see the connection between your thoughts and your physical life.

You create your reality based on your ideas about it. Of course these are your beliefs, and expectations. I don't want you to get so caught on symptoms and how you physically feel, desperately trying to explain away what's happening and lose sight of their cause. That trap is easy to fall into.

The physical symptoms are the result, rather than the cause of (to the psyche now) some unresolvable or unresolved mental problem (s).

The beliefs you hold many of which are from childhood, are from a child's perspective and thus they may be outdated. Outdated is a kind word for false, misinterpreted, because when a small child takes on a belief, her nervous system and brain are not sufficiently developed as to interpret her current events with reason, and clarity. Her reality will always point the finger back at her, no matter what the caregiver is doing. Mom may have had a bad work day, and is upset at herself, snapping at the child for wanting to play - the child will not reason to give mom space because of her day, but will say to herself "mom doesn't love me, I must be bad". Here you have the beginnings of a system of beliefs that if go unquestioned, last throughout adulthood.

All experience of this child/teen/adult will corroborate with that belief.

Eventually those false ideas about self will turn to some form of anxiety, because the foundation of that psyche is based on a faulty interpretation of reality. The child will think, " I am bad", the teen will think "no one likes me", and the adult " I don't deserve". At its core will be anti-life, despondency, and a loss of 'zest' for living (beginning early on. 'Life' will continue to diminish in response to the belief until one says "I want my life back"). This 'anti-life' belief along with its company of feelings such as guilt, resentment, (and to an extent, shame) must turn into some form of anxiety, no exceptions, unless caught and realized in time to prevent it. Say, a belief change, early on by some meaningful emotional event with sufficient psychic energy as to return 'life' back into the personality. So called disease is merely the attempt to regain life by testing it, you see. Disease as in anxiety, often carries a great emotional charge, enough to propel the self back into life if the self regains its feeling of purpose. And so disease itself is helpful. In that context and in greater terms, you see, there is a reason for everything experienced.

Every one of the readers here, sole 'soul' purpose in life is to know self and learn to interpret reality with clarity, reflecting back into the mirror of the soul pleasant joyful experiences. If you feel badly about any issue with the self, you can rest assured there is a false belief behind it (the ultimate goal is joy, to feel good about self). In that case examination of the events leading to the belief are in order, using the imagination, and clearing the strong emotions attached to it. " I am bad" would have great energy built up over the years in the form of suppression and eventually repressed feelings leading to conflicting thoughts. Worry, doubt, indecision, blame, guilt, self hate, resentment, and of course fear would plague this individual.

No small wonder the body reacts as it does. The body is dealing with the mental perceptive errors in judgement, in the only fashion it knows how. Always trying to correct imbalances, and still, in spite of the constant barrage of negative self-suggestions associated with beliefs.

So for all readers here now, I don't want you to get caught in the "omg what is happening to me" phase (of blame), in that regard this post and thread is edification for those with ears to truly hear.

Best wishes for an enlightened journey.

in response to requests, it is ok to quote this or any other post in your own personal blogs, if any of you wish.