View Full Version : What sets you off?

02-20-2015, 12:23 PM
You know, you are doing something seemingly "normal" and BAM! Anxiety and or panic happens. A noise, feeling or whatever. What triggers you?

02-20-2015, 12:39 PM
Regretting something that I said or did. Thinking about how I could have done or said it differently. Replaying the events over and over in my mind, even though I don't want to. Worrying about the consequences.

02-20-2015, 02:11 PM
Do certain pains or twinges set you off?

02-20-2015, 02:26 PM
You know, you are doing something seemingly "normal" and BAM! Anxiety and or panic happens. A noise, feeling or whatever. What triggers you?

Chest pains were a big one. And words like "heart" "heart attack". Things just related to my ticker

02-20-2015, 05:44 PM
Noise is a big one for me. If I'm feeling slightly anxious I can end up having an attack if there's loud noise. I live near a freeway and every now and then a truck will come down the off-ramp and make so much noise it drives me nuts.

Also crowds. If I go to the supermarket and it's too crowded I can't think properly and after a while I'll think "I just have to get out of here". If someone comes too close to me I feel like telling them to f$&@ off.

02-21-2015, 06:06 AM
Me too! If someone talks about illness or disease it Is a major trigger.

02-21-2015, 06:07 AM
I agree with noise and crowds. Im guilty if looking for an out or exit before I even go in.

02-21-2015, 12:57 PM
You know, you are doing something seemingly "normal" and BAM! Anxiety and or panic happens. A noise, feeling or whatever. What triggers you?

Sometimes driving... In traffic. Sometimes just being alone. Small spaces... Being 'enclosed' so to speak... There are other things too... Crowds can be another one. But not all the time.

02-21-2015, 01:36 PM
Sometimes driving... In traffic. Sometimes just being alone. Small spaces... Being 'enclosed' so to speak... There are other things too... Crowds can be another one. But not all the time.

I drove to my dad's near the city yesterday and I thought of this post while I was in traffic. I'm generally pretty good driving but sometimes I get weirded out thinking I'm in this little metal box doing 100km/hr lol.

Mike Castillo
02-21-2015, 01:42 PM
honestly, im still trying to figure out if its the few sips of coffee I have in the morning or the sugary foods I eat at night, maybe its my salt intake which strains the nervous system, or, it can be the high pace sales job I do for 12 hours a day...lol, maybe its the combination. I also have a once a week drink of whiskey, not sure thats helping either.

But for sure, if I do weight training, I feel terrible depression for the next 3 or 4 days... its terrible.

02-21-2015, 01:47 PM
honestly, im still trying to figure out if its the few sips of coffee I have in the morning or the sugary foods I eat at night, maybe its my salt intake which strains the nervous system, or, it can be the high pace sales job I do for 12 hours a day...lol, maybe its the combination. I also have a once a week drink of whiskey, not sure thats helping either.

But for sure, if I do weight training, I feel terrible depression for the next 3 or 4 days... its terrible.

That's interesting. Why do you think weight training makes you feel depressed?

02-21-2015, 02:10 PM
I drove to my dad's near the city yesterday and I thought of this post while I was in traffic. I'm generally pretty good driving but sometimes I get weirded out thinking I'm in this little metal box doing 100km/hr lol.

Good point!

02-21-2015, 02:11 PM
That's interesting. Why do you think weight training makes you feel depressed?

I was told to avoid stimulants like coffee. What if you avoid caffeine and then try working out?

02-22-2015, 09:46 PM
strangers who are looking at you, especially on a public places, like train stations or restaurant.

Mike Castillo
03-01-2015, 12:41 PM
not sure why the weights make me feel like that. I was told it could be because of the raise in cortisol it produces and the lactic acid build up it induces.

03-01-2015, 03:59 PM

What triggers me is the sudden rush of a thought into my mind of something that makes me anxious (personally: my failing marriage, financial concerns, etc) and I get an almost immediate cardiac reaction and feeling that everything is happening a million miles an hour.

03-01-2015, 06:14 PM
Thats a SECRET. They might use that secret against me some day, and i would hate it!!! My enemies, both foreign and domestic, that is sir...

03-01-2015, 06:46 PM
Chest pains were a big one. And words like "heart" "heart attack". Things just related to my ticker

This right here. Ever since I got tested for marfan's syndrome, it's always the heart scare.

03-01-2015, 07:39 PM
sounds like,"Body memories." In my 20's i was like top gun flexible and sometimes if I even jump ski style i miss the slopes. Ironically I pass out if I get too cold. And the 1st time was at the ice rink. So when I even see ice skating on tv now, it makes me feel depressed over my loss of youth.

03-02-2015, 09:07 AM
For me it's mostly, like, school and long-term projects for my AP Lang class. I've had anxiety for years, but nothing has set me off as often or intensely since I was 13 (about four years ago, for reference). Another big one is leaving the house without showering, for whatever reason. I think it's a control thing. Bright lights and loud sounds definitely make me more generally anxious though.

03-02-2015, 10:06 AM
What does it the most is when I feel I'm being fooled by people I once trusted. I'm really good at being able to tell when I'm being told things to just brush me off, rather than actually relate to me - this in turn sends my anxiety up in to "panic mode" and makes me want to totally crazy glues this mask on permanently and never allow people to see the 'real me'. Sometimes I feel I was meant to be in total isolation and its scary. But, what is even more scary is when the anxiety is replaced my numbness and I totally shut down mentally.

Of course I'm talking about online correspondence because I rarely leave the house the days.

03-02-2015, 10:17 AM
Chest pains were a big one. And words like "heart" "heart attack". Things just related to my tickerSame here. I've had every test in the world and they were not able to come up with anything other than an enlarged heart (which many people do in fact have)

I don't like to be startled and get palpitations.

03-02-2015, 10:20 AM
What sets me off? A lot of things. I think my biggest is feeling like there is something wrong with me (medically). My second biggest is confrontation. My other triggers include something being seriously wrong with somebody I love (medically), feeling overheated or way too cold without the ability to escape the heat/cold and being far from home by myself. I think feeling really drugged is another one for me. Coffee is one of my main food sources, so that no longer bothers me the way it used to. I will reward myself with some vanilla ice cream at the end of the day if I ate my breakfast, lunch and dinner (I have a hard time eating), but it is a small amount because sugar will bother my anxiety and I can't physically seem to eat much. I space the caffeine and sugar out by at least 12 hours, though. I don't drink anymore because of my anxiety. I love to walk my dogs, but being out in the cold triggers my anxiety to the point where I just can't do it. I feel so bad for them, but I know if I go out in the cold I will start freaking out and have to turn right around.

03-02-2015, 09:24 PM
The news. All of the bad stuff in the world. The city. This is all very new, like within the past 3 months. Was fun and lighthearted before that. Also, some if my negative family.

03-02-2015, 09:36 PM
What sets me off? A lot of things. I think my biggest is feeling like there is something wrong with me (medically). My second biggest is confrontation. My other triggers include something being seriously wrong with somebody I love (medically), feeling overheated or way too cold without the ability to escape the heat/cold and being far from home by myself. I think feeling really drugged is another one for me. Coffee is one of my main food sources, so that no longer bothers me the way it used to. I will reward myself with some vanilla ice cream at the end of the day if I ate my breakfast, lunch and dinner (I have a hard time eating), but it is a small amount because sugar will bother my anxiety and I can't physically seem to eat much. I space the caffeine and sugar out by at least 12 hours, though. I don't drink anymore because of my anxiety. I love to walk my dogs, but being out in the cold triggers my anxiety to the point where I just can't do it. I feel so bad for them, but I know if I go out in the cold I will start freaking out and have to turn right around.

I feel the same way about temperature changes that I can't control. The medical worry is a daily thing for me as well, always some sort of body thing happening that'll get me worried, even though there's nothing wrong with me. I have less self control and will destroy any icecream that finds its way into my fridge. I'm off caffeine now, though, it was starting to make my anxiety worse.

03-03-2015, 01:25 AM
The news. All of the bad stuff in the world. The city. This is all very new, like within the past 3 months. Was fun and lighthearted before that. Also, some if my negative family.Yes, same here. The news is mostly ugly propaganda now with the intent to trigger those with anxiety (in my opinion), and I would rather just put in a video that I enjoy. I watch the news for weather updates now and that's about it, really.

Why concern ourselves with things we can't change; rather focus on changing our immediate surrounding's to improve our overall well-being.

03-17-2015, 11:52 AM
caffeine and flying

03-17-2015, 12:48 PM
Caffeine, sometimes marijuana (still smoke it anyways), being rushed at a job, and I think by biggest one is that I work my mind up into a nervous wreck over things that happen in real life, such as a date or seeing someone in a troubling situation.

03-17-2015, 01:13 PM
If someone raises their voice at me. This is the biggest trigger for me.
Any emergency type vehicle with sirens going, whether they are driving by when Im out or just going past my house. (my ex husband was a fireman and each time he'd be called out I would think he was going to die/get hurt)
Groups of people, like in a classroom setting.
Being confined in any way.
Having to talk about things I cant research or find out about first.
So many other things...

03-17-2015, 03:57 PM
Noise. Especially first thing in the morning. Like the roadworks going on out the front of my place right now!!!

03-17-2015, 08:26 PM
Driving on a bridge, I have good control to keep my cool but inside my mind is racing just imagining crashing and dropping into the water how am I going to save my kids. My husband folding the clothes wrong my OCD plays a role with that. Financial worries my anxiety is a worry I panic can't sleep. I hate having people near my face or just close to me in general claustrophobic. Being in the dark my mind races I'm petrified. I'm a mess.

03-17-2015, 10:58 PM
Being in the shower seems to be setting off my anxiety. Have to fight like hell to keep from spinning into a panic attack. Pretty recent thing, too. Wish I knew the cause behind that one becoming a thing.

03-18-2015, 12:13 AM
Being in the shower seems to be setting off my anxiety. Have to fight like hell to keep from spinning into a panic attack. Pretty recent thing, too. Wish I knew the cause behind that one becoming a thing.

Hot water = higher blood pressure/faster heart rate/thinner air. Its like an anxious fun house when you are paying attention to those things.

03-18-2015, 12:16 AM
Hot water = higher blood pressure/faster heart rate/thinner air. Its like an anxious fun house when you are paying attention to those things.

That makes sense then. Maybe I'll switch to cold showers for awhile.

03-18-2015, 02:52 PM
I find fearing another attack like a previous one seems to be a big trigger or light headed dizzy feelings.

03-18-2015, 04:11 PM
It's really interesting seeing what sets other people off. Showers, driving... it's weird to think that a daily activity I pay no attention to might just freak other people out.