View Full Version : I"m new here

02-19-2015, 03:49 PM
I think I've always been an anxious person - I've never been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder but I think that's only because I've been trying to convince myself that I could just cope with it. Coping has been becoming increasing more difficult for the last few years and since my daughter was born 10 months ago it's become a daily struggle. I can honest say that I'm not longer coping - I'm drowning and some new symptoms that has popped up with in the last couple of months are scary.
I want help but I just don't know where to start...

I've always struggled with worry, but lately I'm obsessed. I feel like if I don't think about every bad outcome that might occur that the worst thing will happen because I didn't think about it - my thought process is ; if I think it then it wont happen. It consumes me, if I get stuck on something I can't get it out of my head.

After a long night with the baby I lay down in bed last night and tucked my hand under my cheek like I normally do and suddenly my face felt huge while my head felt tiny, I couldn't shake the feeling - I'm not sure if it was a panic attack or something else. This has only happened once before but it's so scary.

Reflux is another thing that I've been having issues with recently as well as tummy issues - i wont go into the details but I'm at my wits end. I desperately want to enjoy my daughters first year but I can't because my mind is always somewhere else. Becoming a mom as also brought up some resentment issues with my childhood - something I thought I'd left behind but its obvious i've never dealt with .

I just don't know what to do ...

02-20-2015, 08:52 AM
I think I've always been an anxious person - I've never been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder but I think that's only because I've been trying to convince myself that I could just cope with it. Coping has been becoming increasing more difficult for the last few years and since my daughter was born 10 months ago it's become a daily struggle. I can honest say that I'm not longer coping - I'm drowning and some new symptoms that has popped up with in the last couple of months are scary.
I want help but I just don't know where to start...

I've always struggled with worry, but lately I'm obsessed. I feel like if I don't think about every bad outcome that might occur that the worst thing will happen because I didn't think about it - my thought process is ; if I think it then it wont happen. It consumes me, if I get stuck on something I can't get it out of my head.

After a long night with the baby I lay down in bed last night and tucked my hand under my cheek like I normally do and suddenly my face felt huge while my head felt tiny, I couldn't shake the feeling - I'm not sure if it was a panic attack or something else. This has only happened once before but it's so scary.

Reflux is another thing that I've been having issues with recently as well as tummy issues - i wont go into the details but I'm at my wits end. I desperately want to enjoy my daughters first year but I can't because my mind is always somewhere else. Becoming a mom as also brought up some resentment issues with my childhood - something I thought I'd left behind but its obvious i've never dealt with .

I just don't know what to do ...

Hi there :)

I guess having a baby can bring anxiety to the forefront because really, it's pretty stressful. I had a huge breakdown when my daughter was about 18 months old.

I actually sort of understand what you mean with the face thing - I've had a similar feeling but with my hands. It's extremely weird and I don't know what it is.

Anyway hang in there. Hopefully others have some ideas for you on what to do. Obviously seeing a GP would be a start..

All the best to you :)
Gypsy x

02-20-2015, 09:59 AM
Yea - having a kid can be quite stressful, and bring on some new feelings. You might find it helpful to talk with a psychologist or other therapist. It is worth a try.

02-20-2015, 02:50 PM
I think I've always been an anxious person - I've never been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder but I think that's only because I've been trying to convince myself that I could just cope with it. Coping has been becoming increasing more difficult for the last few years and since my daughter was born 10 months ago it's become a daily struggle. I can honest say that I'm not longer coping - I'm drowning and some new symptoms that has popped up with in the last couple of months are scary.
I want help but I just don't know where to start...
I've always struggled with worry, but lately I'm obsessed. I feel like if I don't think about every bad outcome that might occur that the worst thing will happen because I didn't think about it - my thought process is ; if I think it then it wont happen. It consumes me, if I get stuck on something I can't get it out of my head.

After a long night with the baby I lay down in bed last night and tucked my hand under my cheek like I normally do and suddenly my face felt huge while my head felt tiny, I couldn't shake the feeling - I'm not sure if it was a panic attack or something else. This has only happened once before but it's so scary.

Reflux is another thing that I've been having issues with recently as well as tummy issues - i wont go into the details but I'm at my wits end. I desperately want to enjoy my daughters first year but I can't because my mind is always somewhere else. Becoming a mom as also brought up some resentment issues with my childhood - something I thought I'd left behind but its obvious i've never dealt with .

I just don't know what to do ...

Wow. You're a textbook case of anxiety. You must have read the book.

All those feelings you are having are understandable when dealing with a disorder. And the stress of being a new mom (congrats by the way!) can really bring the worst of symptoms

If you are open to medication, an SSRI can really help in the long term and some benzos wouldn't hurt for those really tough times

The meds will get you grounded where you can function without all those anxiety effects. Once you get your mind in a good place, you will have the focus to address the anxiety itself

Learn about it. Understand its effect on you. Then you will lose the fear of it.

Lose the fear, no more anxiety!

Look at you go!