View Full Version : just a few questions

08-06-2008, 10:51 PM
hey guys im new here and just wanted to know a few things..recently i was taken to hospital becuase i thought i was dieing after taking an ecstacy tablet...bad idea, anyway i have been diagnosed with anxiety, but i just wanted toi know if any one else has symptoms i get

today after a heavy drinking session last night i feel like total shit...feel faint and dizzy, my eyes feel funny , got pains in my left arm etc, keep needing to go to the toilet every 5 minutes, keep thinking i might pass out soon, and feel like vomiting...i know it could be a hangover but every time i try spew i feel faint and nothing comes out.. etc..so if any one gets any of this could they let me kno, its kind of comforting to know im not the only one, thanks :)

08-07-2008, 12:24 PM
I've had all those symptoms before from anxiety (without the hangover but when I DO have a hangover it intensifies it).

I just started dealing with anxiety and panic attacks a few months ago so its all sorta new to me too. The last time I had a bad panic attack and went to the ER they prescribed me Lorazepam and it actually prevented my last panic attack from really "happening". It kicked it REALLY FAST and I just chilled out on the couch and watched animal planet. It was like the most relaxed feeling I've had since this all started.

Just tell yourself its all gonna be OK and try to relax. Easier said then done but worrying about it only makes it worse and more intense.