View Full Version : Best jobs for people with anxiety?

02-19-2015, 03:07 PM
So yeah, something I've been thinking about a lot lately..

I quit my job around 2 months ago. I was already planning on quitting when the time felt "right" or if I could ever get something else lined up, but I ended up quitting prematurely one day after having to either hide out in the restroom or break room all day long due to the extreme anxiety I was suffering at the time.

One might be curious about what this line of work was? I'll just tell ya, I was a dental assistant.

So now I'm hoping to dip my toes back in the work force by Spring/Summer. I don't know if I could go back to my previous line of work, it was extremely demanding.

My longterm goal is to end up going back to school. But for now, I'd love opinions! What do you all consider to be good jobs for those of us with anxiety/panic disorder? Any tips?

This has been weighing on my mind a lot lately. You wouldn't believe what a blow to my self-esteem it has been to feel like I couldn't perform my job, and to know that I'm scared of new work.

02-19-2015, 03:45 PM
I freelance. It's nice choosing my own hours.

Somehow, I've developed this awful fear of you after finding out that you're an ex-dental assistant. Evil woman. Evil, evil woman. :)

02-19-2015, 04:16 PM
I guess it depends in part on how disabling your anxiety is. But for me, I am not willing to allow my anxiety (although it can be quite intense, at times) to limit my work. I have what most people would consider a very stressful job -- a senior management position with a lot of responsibility and long hours. Someone might say "that's not a very good job for a guy with anxiety." But I am not willing to be limited by my anxiety. I can do anything that a person without anxiety can do. It might sometimes be harder for me, but I just refuse to be limited. And I think that pushing myself helps with my anxiety. It keeps me fighting and stops me from succumbing to the anxiety or identifying myself as an "anxiety guy."

Maybe my approach is not for everyone. There are some people who would say "I am just going to make my life easier by taking a job that does not cause me stress." I get that. But for me, being successful at a high level job is part of overcoming my anxiety. (Oh, and it helps pay the mortgage too).

02-19-2015, 04:18 PM
I freelance. It's nice choosing my own hours.

Somehow, I've developed this awful fear of you after finding out that you're an ex-dental assistant. Evil woman. Evil, evil woman. :)

LOL!!! Oh believe me, I was told every day just now much the patients hated dentists and their staff. I always laughed about it though, it definitely wasn't people's dental phobias that costed me to lose it a little bit.. it was the demands of the job in general and being overbooked, requested to speed up, etc.

Choosing your own hours must be absolutely awesome!

02-19-2015, 04:26 PM
I guess it depends in part on how disabling your anxiety is. But for me, I am not willing to allow my anxiety (although it can be quite intense, at times) to limit my work. I have what most people would consider a very stressful job -- a senior management position with a lot of responsibility and long hours. Someone might say "that's not a very good job for a guy with anxiety." But I am not willing to be limited by my anxiety. I can do anything that a person without anxiety can do. It might sometimes be harder for me, but I just refuse to be limited. And I think that pushing myself helps with my anxiety. It keeps me fighting and stops me from succumbing to the anxiety or identifying myself as an "anxiety guy."

Maybe my approach is not for everyone. There are some people who would say "I am just going to make my life easier by taking a job that does not cause me stress." I get that. But for me, being successful at a high level job is part of overcoming my anxiety. (Oh, and it helps pay the mortgage too).

I really, really admire that. I absolutely do not want to feel limited either. I guess I'm going through a lot of scary changes right now, kind of a quarter-life crisis. I guess I'm just always wondering "what's next?" and for me its all too easy to think thoughts like "You probably can't handle that right now." OR "That kind of work/schooling is for people who don't have the problem you have."

Like I said, it can be quite the blow to the self-esteem. I really hope to get to where you are and say that I won't limit myself anymore.

02-19-2015, 05:31 PM
Movie extras, stunt man, writer, librarian clerk, librarian, custodian, porter, orderly, nun, para-professional, social worker, behaviorist for children.

02-19-2015, 08:35 PM
I've been to the dentist that often that I like dental assistants. I even like dentists! When you've had problems with your teeth to the extent I have, they become your friend lol.

Sorry I just had to comment on that aspect. I don't have any suggestions for other jobs except maybe something where you don't have to work with other people? Yeah good luck with that! ;)

Gypsy x

02-20-2015, 02:42 PM
Best job would have to be an actor. Just go for horror movie roles where when needed, your fight or flight can kick in and you can get an academy award for how real your fear was. (Cause only you know you weren't acting)

Or you could just be a therapist so you can hear how so many other people are way more screwed up than you.

02-20-2015, 04:54 PM
Best job would have to be an actor. Just go for horror movie roles where when needed, your fight or flight can kick in and you can get an academy award for how real your fear was. (Cause only you know you weren't acting)

Or you could just be a therapist so you can hear how so many other people are way more screwed up than you.

LOL. I reckon I could play a good zombie ;)

02-21-2015, 04:12 PM
I really think if I had a job working with animals it would completely cure all my problems.

02-21-2015, 04:16 PM
I really think if I had a job working with animals it would completely cure all my problems.

True that! I used to do volunteer work walking dogs at the local animal shelter.

Good suggestion :)

02-21-2015, 04:22 PM
True that! I used to do volunteer work walking dogs at the local animal shelter.

Good suggestion :)

At the moment I have just a normal job but I'm chasing this. Even if it's volunteer work it's something I would really love to do :)

02-21-2015, 05:04 PM
At the moment I have just a normal job but I'm chasing this. Even if it's volunteer work it's something I would really love to do :)

Also, I'd like to work doing something good for the environment, especially to do with the ocean. Like Sea Shepherd or something like that. I think it's good for anxiety to be involved in something that's "bigger than ourselves". Unfortunately it's hard to make money this way so most of those kind of jobs are voluntary.

02-21-2015, 05:08 PM
Also, I'd like to work doing something good for the environment, especially to do with the ocean. Like Sea Shepherd or something like that. I think it's good for anxiety to be involved in something that's "bigger than ourselves". Unfortunately it's hard to make money this way so most of those kind of jobs are voluntary.

Yeah that's right and a lot of these places Iv searched are far from where I live and would cost a lot on gas.