View Full Version : Just need some reassurance....going crazy.

02-19-2015, 12:38 PM
For a while now, I've been dealing with shortness of breath off and on. For the last 2 days, it has been so bad. I feel like I'm losing control. I also have a weird feeling in my head...like a tingly pressure. I just generally feel out of it. I am also having sinus issues, so that makes it worse.
Anyone else have anxiety like this? How long did it last? I can't take this!

02-19-2015, 01:42 PM
Try deep breathing meditation and if your dr okays it, maybe a sinus rinse? I have sinus problems and a sinus rinse really helps me.

02-20-2015, 05:34 PM
Try deep breathing meditation and if your dr okays it, maybe a sinus rinse? I have sinus problems and a sinus rinse really helps me.

Yes breathing!

Learn how to breathe with your diaphragm. Anxious people (in fact most people) breathe with their chest, which only fills the lungs a little bit. Basically we are hyperventilating a lot of the time, which causes all sorts of drama (like racing thoughts).

It'll be a bit uncomfortable at first if you're already having shortness of breath, but you can learn to do it and practice until you slow your breathing right down. I'm at the point where I can slow it to about 3 breaths per minute (typically people take about 15 breaths per minute!)

I just wrote a post on this and there's a link to the app I use which times your breathing.

All the best :)
Gypsy x

02-20-2015, 06:55 PM
Yes breathing!

Learn how to breathe with your diaphragm. Anxious people (in fact most people) breathe with their chest, which only fills the lungs a little bit. Basically we are hyperventilating a lot of the time, which causes all sorts of drama (like racing thoughts).

It'll be a bit uncomfortable at first if you're already having shortness of breath, but you can learn to do it and practice until you slow your breathing right down. I'm at the point where I can slow it to about 3 breaths per minute (typically people take about 15 breaths per minute!)

I just wrote a post on this and there's a link to the app I use which times your breathing.

All the best :)
Gypsy x

Thank you so much. I will try this and check out your post. Today, I am dealing with it a little better, but it still stinks. I hate feeling this way...I just want to be in control again!!

02-20-2015, 07:45 PM
Thank you so much. I will try this and check out your post. Today, I am dealing with it a little better, but it still stinks. I hate feeling this way...I just want to be in control again!!

Great! I wish I'd known about this twenty years ago when I first had severe anxiety. I reckon it would've saved me a lot of misery. I started doing it a couple of years ago when I had another nervous breakdown and I was hardly sleeping at all. Well after doing the breathing exercises for a little while I was able to sleep about six hours straight. It was like a little miracle.

The other night I had a really rapid heartbeat because I drank some beers (mistake). So I did the breathing and it helped a lot.
