View Full Version : no help from doctors!!

02-18-2015, 07:39 PM
About a month ago I posted about a strange feeling in the back of my head. It was a tingling, burning, numbness sensation. I went to the doc and he barely listened and said it was the two nerves in the back of my head and sent me on my way with muscle relaxers. They don't help. Now I feel like it's in my face like a numb, full, swollen sensation. I feel like sometimes my lips won't work and my left eye waters for no reason. My pinky on my right hand goes numb and hurts also my right toes sometimes do the same! It's scary and getting old. Keeping me from doing things I like to do. Anyone experience this? How is it related to anxiety. I have a follow up next week hopefully he take a deeper look.

02-18-2015, 07:56 PM
I have never experienced this but please consider asking him to refer you to another doctor, maybe one that specializes in either muscles or brain itself? I can't remember the specific name for that type of doctor, sorry! But it would be a specialist and usually you need a referral to go to them from your GP.

02-19-2015, 12:38 AM
Chances are, they are nerves that are inflammed or aggravated by something.

There are two large nerves that run from your upper back into your neck, across your head and stop on your forehead. If those nerves get aggravated it can trigger headaches. It can also cause a tingling or pins & needles sensation on various points of your body that tie into those nerves. That list includes face, head, neck, shoulders, arms, chest, hands/fingers. All of those nerves are tied into the brachial plexus.

They can be related to anxiety because of stress. They get inflammed, you have those sensations, you freak out and your anxiety goes up. When your anxiety goes up, you tend to think of the worse case scenario, which only feeds your stress and anxiety even more.

Do this...stretch your neck muscles so that they loosen up. While standing or sitting up straight, turn your head to the left as far as you can. Then place the fingers of your right hand on your right side of your jaw and push a little further. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat to the right.

To loosen your back up, lay flat on the ground. Take your right leg and cross it over the top of your left leg. Try and make the toes on your right foot touch the ground while keeping your back and left leg flat. You should feel your back pop. Then repeat with the left leg over the right.

Stand up and place your straight right arm across your chest. Take your left hand and place it behind your right elbow. Pull your right arm slightly further toward the left side of your body. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat with the left arm being straight.

Stand in a corner with one hand on each side of the wall. You should look like you are trying to do a push-up while standing up. Lean in and stretch your chest and back at the same time. Hold for 10 seconds.

Put an ice pack on the back of your neck. Give it 10 minutes or so.

If all else fails, go see a chiropractor and have him/her check your spine/neck. What they do feels so damn good to your back and neck!

02-19-2015, 06:43 AM
The above advice is sound (Deist), if rather wordy. "You may have a pinched nerve" (is all that was needed)- have the back checked, or examine your posture and daily activities, say if you sit at work all day, and the movement is not 'natural' one way or the other (including sleep/mattress). You then feel the effects. This is much more probable than say a neurological disorder to which you are concerned.

Eliminate the irritation, physical or mental. And you will soon return to "normal".

02-19-2015, 07:26 AM
If this problem persists, you might want to consult a neurologist. I agree with I'm Suffering that the odds are against it being a neurological disorder. But if you have tried a few other things and given it some time and it still persists, I would see a neurologist.

02-19-2015, 08:25 PM
About a month ago I posted about a strange feeling in the back of my head. It was a tingling, burning, numbness sensation. I went to the doc and he barely listened and said it was the two nerves in the back of my head and sent me on my way with muscle relaxers. They don't help. Now I feel like it's in my face like a numb, full, swollen sensation. I feel like sometimes my lips won't work and my left eye waters for no reason. My pinky on my right hand goes numb and hurts also my right toes sometimes do the same! It's scary and getting old. Keeping me from doing things I like to do. Anyone experience this? How is it related to anxiety. I have a follow up next week hopefully he take a deeper look.

Hey, as someone else said - get a referral to a specialist - I think a Neurologist is what you need.

Best of luck :)
Gypsy x

Edit: Oh Kuma already said a neurologist :) great minds..