View Full Version : My tips for anxiety - you might be surprised at them!

02-18-2015, 03:21 PM
I have been reading through a number of posts on here and it really saddens me to see how many people suffer and describe exactly how I feel when I go through extreme anxiety. I'm on here myself as currently going through a bit of a relapse but I know I can and will beat this as I have done before. I thought what better way to distract myself from the thoughts and anxiety than to help others with tips that have helped me. I'm not saying they are a miracle cure, I for one have relapsed and am trying to train my mind back to normal again but they sure do help!

The first thing I tell others when they are suffering with anxiety is that you mustn't let it stop you living your life and doing things you enjoy. Admittedly you might not enjoy it half as much with an added tension and racing heart and everything else anxiety brings but I would hate for you to look back on your life and think you wasted it being anxious. Anxiety is just a feeling. That's it. A feeling that eats away at us and makes us feel confused, sick, tired, Ill, insane! At times and just really Poo.

I don't believe in medication as a cure but I think if you can take a tablet that will help calm you down and give you a good nights sleep, it really helps the anxiety in the long run. As not sleeping just adds to the stress of it all. A good over the counter Med I have used tonight is sleep eaze. It's no where near as good as the prescribed stuff but it has calmed me down a bit and that is helping me think straight.

Anxiety thoughts are irrational. Always bear that in mind. For example when I was going through health anxiety I kept thinking if I didn't sleep or if I didn't do this or that I would die. Which of course meant I couldn't sleep and I was convinced I was dying at one point. The way I got over this was to accept maybe I would die and carry on despite the anxiety.

Exercise helps a lot. Even walking an extra 20 mins a day made a difference for me.

I could go on and on and happy to answer any questions people have as I have been through so much CBT and therapy over the years I could write a book but the main thing for me, the ONE thing that reminds me that I, Lillie, am still inside here somewhere underneath this anxious mess is laughter. Finding a moment to share a joke or laugh at someone's humour really does manage to pull me out of the anxious state and lift me. Even for a moment. Even for a second. It's those 'moments' that make us carry on and realise we are still the person we was before anxiety and we will wholy be that person again once the anxiety passes. We can try to exercise, therapy, eat well, medication etc but really anxiety will pass when it's good and ready. In the meantime....... Smile, laugh and find glimpses of the you who you will get back again soon. I promise ❤️

02-18-2015, 06:20 PM
I have been reading through a number of posts on here and it really saddens me to see how many people suffer and describe exactly how I feel when I go through extreme anxiety. I'm on here myself as currently going through a bit of a relapse but I know I can and will beat this as I have done before. I thought what better way to distract myself from the thoughts and anxiety than to help others with tips that have helped me. I'm not saying they are a miracle cure, I for one have relapsed and am trying to train my mind back to normal again but they sure do help!

The first thing I tell others when they are suffering with anxiety is that you mustn't let it stop you living your life and doing things you enjoy. Admittedly you might not enjoy it half as much with an added tension and racing heart and everything else anxiety brings but I would hate for you to look back on your life and think you wasted it being anxious. Anxiety is just a feeling. That's it. A feeling that eats away at us and makes us feel confused, sick, tired, Ill, insane! At times and just really Poo.

I don't believe in medication as a cure but I think if you can take a tablet that will help calm you down and give you a good nights sleep, it really helps the anxiety in the long run. As not sleeping just adds to the stress of it all. A good over the counter Med I have used tonight is sleep eaze. It's no where near as good as the prescribed stuff but it has calmed me down a bit and that is helping me think straight.

Anxiety thoughts are irrational. Always bear that in mind. For example when I was going through health anxiety I kept thinking if I didn't sleep or if I didn't do this or that I would die. Which of course meant I couldn't sleep and I was convinced I was dying at one point. The way I got over this was to accept maybe I would die and carry on despite the anxiety.

Exercise helps a lot. Even walking an extra 20 mins a day made a difference for me.

I could go on and on and happy to answer any questions people have as I have been through so much CBT and therapy over the years I could write a book but the main thing for me, the ONE thing that reminds me that I, Lillie, am still inside here somewhere underneath this anxious mess is laughter. Finding a moment to share a joke or laugh at someone's humour really does manage to pull me out of the anxious state and lift me. Even for a moment. Even for a second. It's those 'moments' that make us carry on and realise we are still the person we was before anxiety and we will wholy be that person again once the anxiety passes. We can try to exercise, therapy, eat well, medication etc but really anxiety will pass when it's good and ready. In the meantime....... Smile, laugh and find glimpses of the you who you will get back again soon. I promise ❤️

Re laughter being those moments that make us carry on - Absolutely!! I have one friend who makes me laugh like an idiot all the time and that is priceless.

This is a good post :) thanks Lilliebelle.