View Full Version : another day more anxiety

Heather O'Connell
02-18-2015, 12:40 PM
I hate when my anxiety gets like this. I feel so uncomfortable and just want to be able to relax. When i get like this most of the time I'm anxious all day and then when night comes along i feel better and want to stay up late, like 3am late. With staying up this late I end up sleeping in late til noon. I try to go to sleep earlier but I can never fall asleep, and sometimes it makes me anxious to think about going to sleep earlier, even though I know there's nothing wrong with going to sleep early. My anxiety isn't just about sleep though, I feel like now I"m at a point where just thinking about am i anxious makes me anxious, like i'm anxious about being anxious. It's horrible and hard to cope with at times. I try to go about my day like I'm okay, but when people around me are asking if i'm okay I tell them i'm fine even when i feel like I'm anxious. I don't know what to do, it's just frustrating and it doesn't help that I feel sick either. I'm supposed to go into work tonight for a few hours and I don't even know if I want to go in because i feel so shitty. Part of me wants to push myself because I need the money, but at the same time I don't want to go in just to go in and not really do much the whole time. I'm just tried of feeling anxious, it's been almost a week since my anxiety started up again and I hate it. I just want to feel not anxious again. I don't want to let my anxiety control my life, but I feel like I let it at times because I don't know what else to do.

02-18-2015, 02:06 PM
I hate when my anxiety gets like this. I feel so uncomfortable and just want to be able to relax. When i get like this most of the time I'm anxious all day and then when night comes along i feel better and want to stay up late, like 3am late. With staying up this late I end up sleeping in late til noon. I try to go to sleep earlier but I can never fall asleep, and sometimes it makes me anxious to think about going to sleep earlier, even though I know there's nothing wrong with going to sleep early. My anxiety isn't just about sleep though, I feel like now I"m at a point where just thinking about am i anxious makes me anxious, like i'm anxious about being anxious. It's horrible and hard to cope with at times. I try to go about my day like I'm okay, but when people around me are asking if i'm okay I tell them i'm fine even when i feel like I'm anxious. I don't know what to do, it's just frustrating and it doesn't help that I feel sick either. I'm supposed to go into work tonight for a few hours and I don't even know if I want to go in because i feel so shitty. Part of me wants to push myself because I need the money, but at the same time I don't want to go in just to go in and not really do much the whole time. I'm just tried of feeling anxious, it's been almost a week since my anxiety started up again and I hate it. I just want to feel not anxious again. I don't want to let my anxiety control my life, but I feel like I let it at times because I don't know what else to do.

Hey hunni. I felt like I was the person writing this. You described how I feel to a tea! I hate when anxiety hits you and you forget what it's like to feel normal and relaxed. You crave it and that is what makes the anxiety worse. You willing for it to go away is what makes it stay. We need to try and distract ourselves and realise it's ok to be anxious and it will pass eventually. It always does. In the meantime try to carry on with the anxiety but I have just got some sleepeaze from the pharmacy to help me relax and quiet my thoughts when in bed. I'm a firm believer that a good nights sleep changes everything and it will make such a difference to your anxiety.

If you don't want a short term Med (must state they are short term and can be addictive so only try if you are at your wits end!) then you could try having a hot bath before you go to bed and get some lavender drops to put on your pillow. If you can't sleep just accept it don't get stressed about it as makes it worse. People can survive on 2 hours sleep a night

All the best , if you need to speak I am here 😊 ️xx