View Full Version : feels like im in a movie?

08-06-2008, 08:25 PM
I've been feeling as if im in a movie and nothing is real. like everybody is watching me. I just went to the store to get something and I was in the car waiting and i saw a cat cleaning himself, it was dark and I felt like I was in a horror movie or something. I've been feeling dizzy all day also. I dont know what to do to get better. I need some help:(

08-07-2008, 12:48 AM
Are you on medication? It sounds like you have a very active imagination (which can be a great thing if its channeled into the right thing) but terrible when you have anxiety. Your not going crazy, just letting your mind run away with you. I suggest a visit to your Dr and explain to him or her how you are feeling. Good luck

08-07-2008, 10:02 PM
Medication or not, this is 100% normal for anxiety sufferers. At first, I didn't know that this was a normal symptom because when I read about my anxiety on the internet they would briefly describe the more common feelings of anxiety which pretty much jus' included the physical symptoms along with the constant worrying. They never mentioned that feeling that you are describing so used to freak out about it. Feelings of unreality/derealization/depersonalization, feeling like everything is fake, feeling like you or people are fake, feeling detached from your body, feeling disconnected and spacey feelings are normal. So, relax and ride with the feelings. It is completely normal and I used to feel that way too. Only it wasn't a movie, it was a TV show for me!