View Full Version : Nearly Cured

02-18-2015, 07:25 AM
I have seen it all, FELT it all, ANXIETY 24x7 , Panic attacks , no sleep , fear - Taken medicines Effaxor , Citolapram but they only suppressed the symptoms, but then someone referred me to homeopathy (alternative medicine) I was hesitant at first but had long sessions with the doctor who explained that there were no side effects / I just take 10 drops in water and am FEELING GOOD, there are bad days too when I have no energy feel sad and a little anger but I can now feel it is slowly going away. The only thing to succeed is to have a good homeopathic doctor who will listen / understand on how you feel, in 2 months of taking this medicine he has asked me to reduce my dose to just once a day.................................
My message here is to help people who are stuck with this horrible problem, if even 1 person gets cured or feels better I believe I have done my good deed for today...........

do some googling for more information

02-18-2015, 09:05 AM
I have seen it all, FELT it all, ANXIETY 24x7 , Panic attacks , no sleep , fear - Taken medicines Effaxor , Citolapram but they only suppressed the symptoms, but then someone referred me to homeopathy (alternative medicine) I was hesitant at first but had long sessions with the doctor who explained that there were no side effects / I just take 10 drops in water and am FEELING GOOD, there are bad days too when I have no energy feel sad and a little anger but I can now feel it is slowly going away. The only thing to succeed is to have a good homeopathic doctor who will listen / understand on how you feel, in 2 months of taking this medicine he has asked me to reduce my dose to just once a day.................................
My message here is to help people who are stuck with this horrible problem, if even 1 person gets cured or feels better I believe I have done my good deed for today...........

do some googling for more information

Good work :)

I've tried a bit of homeopathy (haven't seen an actual "doctor") and it did nothing for me. But that's great it's helped you.

All the best,
Gypsy x

02-18-2015, 09:30 AM
Nearlycured - great news that you found something that works for you. I am personally a fan of evidence-based medicine -- that means things that have been shown to work by credible medical evidence. Are you aware of any credible studies, resulting from randomized controlled trials, and published in peer reviewed journals suggesting that homeopathy works for anxiety or depression? This sort of medical evidence exists for SSRIs, certain other medications, and CBT, but I am not aware of any such medical evidence supporting the use of homeopathy for anxiety or depression. But maybe there is something I am not aware of. Can you point us to anything? Or is the evidence only anecdotal? Thanks.

02-18-2015, 10:26 AM
I'm a believer in alternative medicines as well. As a result of a very poor experience with SSRI's and a few other medications, I swore them off a few years ago. A few weeks ago I hit a really rough patch of frequent panic attacks and other really frustrating symptoms of anxiety. I've been treating myself with essential oils, improving my diet, turmeric concoctions, meditation, and listening to binaural beats and I've seen great improvement.

A quick google search should yield plenty of articles with references. Unforunately, I can't post a link yet because I have not yet hit 25 posts, but the one of the first references I found in one of the first google results I opened is titled "Dose-effect study of Gelsemium sempervirens in high dilutions on anxiety-related responses in mice." in Psychopharmacology.
Unfortunately, studies on this matter aren't as copious as other treatments such as SSRI's for obvious reasons- who is going to fund them? Not the pharmaceutical industry or other big guys who profit off of psychiatry, that's for sure.

02-18-2015, 11:32 AM
I read the study abstract by Magnani et al that you referenced. MAYBE if I were a mouse, it would be of interest. But as a human, I think it has little to offer. Mouse studies seem not to be of much value in the area of psychopharmacology. (As an aside, there are all sorts of substances that produce an anxiolytic effect which you would not want to take!)

I am not opposed to alternative medicine, but absent good science, it is all just anecdotes. One guy says tea oil. Another says dancing in the rain. A third says Kava. Another says homeopathic solutions, or walnuts or alkaline producing substances, or peach pits, etc. So you can pick what sounds good to you, I guess. But that is why I personally look for credible medical evidence.

02-18-2015, 11:53 AM
SSRIs pretty much saved my life, however I think if doctors had've explained anxiety better to me I might not have needed any medication. That was back in the early 90s so I didn't have things like this forum where I could talk to others. All I knew was I had a "mental illness" and it was really f'n scary. They did try things like CBT with me but I didn't understand the point of it so I thought it was useless.

Anxiety and depression can be so debilitating that people have to do whatever they can to function normally. If that means taking less-than-perfect meds then so be it. I think the meds are still very hit-and-miss because the understanding of the brain isn't very good yet. But the SSRIs do work for some people (me included) and there's new research going on all the time. The problem is it takes a very long time for new discoveries to become medicines.