View Full Version : I think I'm going mad. A new fear has started up..

02-17-2015, 07:32 PM
Ok, so first of all thank you in advance to anyone who reads this and takes the time to hear me out. This will be somewhat different from my usual posts, but there is a certain situation that has me a little creeped out and it is starting to contribute to the anxiety that I've already been dealing with.

So here's what is going on... Bare with me, this is going to come off as a little creepy. For the past little while (I would say around a month or 2) I've been seeing my birth date randomly everywhere (just the month and day). Literally I will look at the clock at a random moment and the numbers will be my birth date.. Recently my BF checked into his work hotel and asked me to call him, so I asked for his room number and guess what it was? my birth date. I was watching one of my favorite television shows tonight and one of the main characters is a cop - the cop car he was driving had my birth date on it. These are just a few examples :/

Tonight there were two instances of this within the same half hour, so out of frustration (even though I knew I shouldn't have) I googled it. Turns out, this has happened to lots of people. First I read where someone said that this means a period of rebirth, so that means now would be a good time to try something new and creative and there may be great success associated with it. Another person said that it is not good at all, that it possibly meant death. Needless to even say it, I had a panic attack.

Now I'm starting to feel crazy and paranoid, like a textbook psych patient or something. Naturally, I just want this all to be a big coincidence.

Has anyone out there ever experienced something like this? What are your thoughts on it? Not only do I suffer from generalized anxiety and panic disorder, I have an extremely hard time dealing with thoughts of death, so naturally I'm freaking out a bit right now :(. Feeling like I'm crazy doesn't help matters either.


02-17-2015, 07:37 PM
I still see a date often that I don't care to elaborate on but it is normal

Subconsciously, you focus on a thing and your mind delivers

It is well documented that tjis happens and I wish I could give you the scientific answer but is nothing to worry about

On a side note, can you give me the numbers of your birth date on the outside chance that they are this weeks winning lottery numbers?

02-17-2015, 10:06 PM
Ok, so first of all thank you in advance to anyone who reads this and takes the time to hear me out. This will be somewhat different from my usual posts, but there is a certain situation that has me a little creeped out and it is starting to contribute to the anxiety that I've already been dealing with.

So here's what is going on... Bare with me, this is going to come off as a little creepy. For the past little while (I would say around a month or 2) I've been seeing my birth date randomly everywhere (just the month and day). Literally I will look at the clock at a random moment and the numbers will be my birth date.. Recently my BF checked into his work hotel and asked me to call him, so I asked for his room number and guess what it was? my birth date. I was watching one of my favorite television shows tonight and one of the main characters is a cop - the cop car he was driving had my birth date on it. These are just a few examples :/

Tonight there were two instances of this within the same half hour, so out of frustration (even though I knew I shouldn't have) I googled it. Turns out, this has happened to lots of people. First I read where someone said that this means a period of rebirth, so that means now would be a good time to try something new and creative and there may be great success associated with it. Another person said that it is not good at all, that it possibly meant death. Needless to even say it, I had a panic attack.

Now I'm starting to feel crazy and paranoid, like a textbook psych patient or something. Naturally, I just want this all to be a big coincidence.

Has anyone out there ever experienced something like this? What are your thoughts on it? Not only do I suffer from generalized anxiety and panic disorder, I have an extremely hard time dealing with thoughts of death, so naturally I'm freaking out a bit right now :(. Feeling like I'm crazy doesn't help matters either.


I see 222 all the time. ALL THE TIME. It's also the dat my Mom died. 2/22 ... Huh... Wild.

02-17-2015, 11:08 PM
I see 222 all the time. ALL THE TIME. It's also the dat my Mom died. 2/22 ... Huh... Wild.

My brother died on Feb 22 and his name was Alex. I'm serious.

02-17-2015, 11:25 PM
It is a common effect when dealing with anxiety/depression. Many people have numerical OCD tendencies that go along with GAD. If you focus on it hard enough, your mind will pick up on details about certain triggers, such as specific numbers, and will constantly recognize them. What someone else might not pay attention to, such as a specific time on the clock, your mind anticipates those numbers and keys in on them when "the time is right."

Have no fear as this is perfectly normal. Those of us on some type of anxiety/depression med tend to be more focused on the environment around us. Our perception is heightened and through that we pick out certain details subconsciously, and then when that detail is recognized it comes crashing to the front of our consciousness like a tidal wave.

The same effect happens when you buy a new car. You may not recognize that particular make/model on the road until you buy one, and then you will see it everywhere. It's not that you are going crazy, it's not a conspiracy and it's not anything new that hasn't been there before. It's just that you are tuned in to your new vehicle and your subconscious mind will be prone to recognizing it more readily.

02-18-2015, 07:50 PM
Thanks for the replies!! I really felt like I was going crazy last night. I'm still thinking about it today too but I'm not going to let it consume me (trying, anyway). By the way gypsy and alex, I am so sorry for both your losses.

Nixon, If you were to win that lottery, you'd split it with me right? lol

Thank you Deist for the assurance that this is normal. I agree with what you've said. I did some more minor googling last night, lol, and ended up finding more positive "explanations" of why this could be happening. Either way, I'm going to try not to obsess over it too much!

02-19-2015, 12:47 AM

Many people who suffer from anxiety feel like they MUST HAVE a health problem. When their doctor(s) perform tests and tell you that X is fine, your mind moves on to something else because you can't accept that nothing is wrong (been there, done that, got the t-shirt). If you have had bloodwork, x-rays, MRI, cardiac nuclear stress test, etc. and the docs can't find anything wrong with you, accept that and start exercising more. You'll start feeling better very soon!