View Full Version : Newbie here, majorly suffering with anxiety and sleep
02-17-2015, 06:37 PM
Hi guys. I'm a 24 year old woman who has suffered with anxiety / ocd for as long as I can remember! I am on here for some advise as coming to the end of my tether. I have been pretty much anxiety free for the past few months and bam! It's back.
I can't sleep at night. I am not dropping off until 3am (I have to be up at 7am for work) and even when I sleep it's not a relaxed sleep. Nightmares, waking up anxious etc. My eyes are so dry and sore and constantly flickering I'm worried I'll get a cyst as I got one before when I wasn't sleeping which is making it worse. My mind is in overdrive, my heart is racing so fast, I'm aching everywhere, feel muscles cramping in my neck as if I'm about to die, jaw is clenching, ears are popping, belly is swirling and making weird noises! - man! I forgot how much anxiety affects you!
I have no idea why it has come back on but it has. I have a fairly new and very stressful job so that may have triggered it but I am not too sure! Often I find it comes back for no reason at all? By the way I apologise for TMI I am sleep deprived so probably going on a bit.
So yeah basically I'm just looking for some advise/company/magic answer lol to help me get through this as I know the techniques, I have had CBT (twice, maybe three times!) I know how to treat it (I could write a book on it) but it's one thing knowing the tools to stop it and another thing actually doing it!
I feel like my days are just an anxious mess. I miss enjoying my day and looking forward to The weekend and making plans. Now I'm just panicking about sleep and getting through the day too anxious to make plans!. I'm really moody and snap so easily.
The doctor won't give me anxiety pills as thinks it will make my ocd worse which I don't even know if I have anymore! The only thing is that I have to re read stuff until it 'sinks' in and sometimes when anxious thoughts feel like they get stuck in my head and I have to think real hard to get them to click or get rid of them. Not sure if that makes sense!
Thanks for reading my rant. Would love to hear from anyone who can relate and just really need something to distract my mind from this constant battle in my head.
02-17-2015, 06:49 PM
Fire your doctor! Get with someone more in tune with anxiety and not just textbooks. What a joke.
Oh, and welcome here. Sorry you feel bad but awesome that you joined the crew
All your physical symptoms are rooted with anxiety. And your beliefs are causing the symptoms
Understand anxiety is all false danger signs in the presence of no real danger
That is the root, cause and what leads to all those lovely symptoms
Anxiety is a lying, cheating bastard that never gives you real information
But for some reason, we follow it
Anxiety is not real. We make it real by buying into the false narrative
Understand what you are experiencing and this all stops
Quick recovery to you!
02-17-2015, 06:50 PM
Hi guys. I'm a 24 year old woman who has suffered with anxiety / ocd for as long as I can remember! I am on here for some advise as coming to the end of my tether. I have been pretty much anxiety free for the past few months and bam! It's back.
I can't sleep at night. I am not dropping off until 3am (I have to be up at 7am for work) and even when I sleep it's not a relaxed sleep. Nightmares, waking up anxious etc. My eyes are so dry and sore and constantly flickering I'm worried I'll get a cyst as I got one before when I wasn't sleeping which is making it worse. My mind is in overdrive, my heart is racing so fast, I'm aching everywhere, feel muscles cramping in my neck as if I'm about to die, jaw is clenching, ears are popping, belly is swirling and making weird noises! - man! I forgot how much anxiety affects you!
I have no idea why it has come back on but it has. I have a fairly new and very stressful job so that may have triggered it but I am not too sure! Often I find it comes back for no reason at all? By the way I apologise for TMI I am sleep deprived so probably going on a bit.
So yeah basically I'm just looking for some advise/company/magic answer lol to help me get through this as I know the techniques, I have had CBT (twice, maybe three times!) I know how to treat it (I could write a book on it) but it's one thing knowing the tools to stop it and another thing actually doing it!
I feel like my days are just an anxious mess. I miss enjoying my day and looking forward to The weekend and making plans. Now I'm just panicking about sleep and getting through the day too anxious to make plans!. I'm really moody and snap so easily.
The doctor won't give me anxiety pills as thinks it will make my ocd worse which I don't even know if I have anymore! The only thing is that I have to re read stuff until it 'sinks' in and sometimes when anxious thoughts feel like they get stuck in my head and I have to think real hard to get them to click or get rid of them. Not sure if that makes sense!
Thanks for reading my rant. Not sure if anyone can relate but just really need something to distract my mind from this constant battle in my head.
I would find another doctor to get short term anxiety meds
02-17-2015, 06:56 PM
Thank you. That line made me laugh 'anxiety is a lying cheating bastard' - very true and first time I have laughed today so thank you!
By the way are you guys in America? Or does everyone just stay up late on here? It's 2am here so surprised at the response but glad!!
Thanks I think I do need to change doctors. Something to take away the anxiety or at least quieten it would be SO helpful right now. We shouldn't have to suffer in this down age!!! :-(
02-17-2015, 07:14 PM
Thank you. That line made me laugh 'anxiety is a lying cheating bastard' - very true and first time I have laughed today so thank you!
By the way are you guys in America? Or does everyone just stay up late on here? It's 2am here so surprised at the response but glad!!
Thanks I think I do need to change doctors. Something to take away the anxiety or at least quieten it would be SO helpful right now. We shouldn't have to suffer in this down age!!! :-(
I am in the USA.
I like all the crime and drugs here
It's always a game of chance to make it to the office without getting mugged
Sorry you are still up
Usually around 2:00 AM, I start drinking a bottle of anything to get to sleep
02-17-2015, 07:24 PM
Ah I am the UK! We are not the friendliest bunch so when I go to work everyday everyone looks suicidal and avoids any eye contact at all costs! That and the dry (quite bad) sense of humour with doctors who don't want to give us any medication and like to keep us suffering - I think I would prefer the danger over that any day!!!
Thanks for distracting me and cheering me up!
And thanks for encouraging me to drink he he! I am tempted now but couldn't deal with the hangover at work and tiredness plus the only alcohol I have is cheap wine from a birthday present that I don't like!!
Ah well I will just have to suffer until it passes. I am defo going to get onto the doctor though!!
02-17-2015, 07:30 PM
Rule #1 - cheap wine is really good wine if you BELIEVE it is really good wine
Rule #2 - call in hungover at least once a month. Set the bar low about your intolerance to alcohol and that way no one is surprised when the Tele rings from you in the morning calling in about yet another sick Aunt you have to take care of.
Rule # 3 - if you are at a job where everyone seems suicidal, you probably work at a crack house and it's time for a career change.
02-17-2015, 10:08 PM
Im from the UK, but you become fairly American after using this site for a while. :)
Welcome, and I hope you sort this thing out with your doctor.
02-17-2015, 11:30 PM
Read my post in this forum called "Overcoming GAD." That might help.
Exercise is a must if you wish to tackle anxiety.
02-18-2015, 01:57 AM
Thanks guys. So the earliest appointment I can get is next week! Ridiculous so going to have to suffer in silence until then.
Can I just ask what medication should I be asking for? As previously they have put me on anti depressants (sertraline) which didn't seem to help at all, if anything I felt worse! Also my anxiety comes and goes so I would really want something just to settle my mind when I'm having a major anxiety attack. They have given me sleeping tablets before which do help quiet my mind but I was still too anxious to sleep.
I don't want to go back on sertraline as it made me put on weight too :-(
Thanks for listening to me and being so helpful. It's nice to know your not alone and I find it so much easier to explain openly on here how I am feeling , I don't speak about it to my friends they wouldn't have a clue I suffer from anxiety as I'm usually so happy go lucky!
02-18-2015, 01:03 PM
I've been to the pharmacist and they gave me sleepeaze for now until I can get to the doctor. 50MG are they any good??
Thanks guys. So the earliest appointment I can get is next week! Ridiculous so going to have to suffer in silence until then.
Can I just ask what medication should I be asking for? As previously they have put me on anti depressants (sertraline) which didn't seem to help at all, if anything I felt worse! Also my anxiety comes and goes so I would really want something just to settle my mind when I'm having a major anxiety attack. They have given me sleeping tablets before which do help quiet my mind but I was still too anxious to sleep.
I don't want to go back on sertraline as it made me put on weight too :-(
Thanks for listening to me and being so helpful. It's nice to know your not alone and I find it so much easier to explain openly on here how I am feeling , I don't speak about it to my friends they wouldn't have a clue I suffer from anxiety as I'm usually so happy go lucky!
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