View Full Version : New person extremely lost

02-17-2015, 03:15 PM
SO I came across this in a search online. Sophie's post inspired me to eventually come clean and finally address how I feel.I am now in my mid 20's.I have been brought up in a loving caring large family not spoilt but anything I needed or wanted to do in terms of education or sports I was looked after well. One day a few months before my main high school exams I experienced something I had never before experienced or could explain. I was sitting in class and my mid went blank and dizzy i had to get out of the room. Since then the past seven years have never been the same. I have struggled on not knowing what this is or how I was feeling and still to some point don't. I went to university and have a good job however the enjoyment out of my life is sucked out. To look at me and know me you would never know. I am just sliding through life without being able to stop worrying or fearing things and having mild anxiety attacks thinking I can't breathe or face a certain situation I hate being on my own and I could be in a crowded room and feeling extremely alone. Its so overwhelming I don't smoke take drugs or go mad on drinking. I exercise lowds but my mind cannot stop racing. Sometimes I have good days others I don't, my family just don't get it. I have tried explaining but like sophie its seen as if I am over dramatic about things. I am a kind caring nice person who would try their best not to do wrong on others but my mind is stuck and I fear I will never be happy. To add to things both my parents are young and are both battling cancer and everyone is saying stay positive which I am thats the funny thing I can be positive to everyone and everyone says god you are such a strong person however I am not positive about myself. Where do I go from here? Anyone have advise?Could it be a hormone imbalance?I have never been on medication for this and I would like to try other venues but im scared to go for help and need confidence to do this.Advise would be great...
A very scared female.
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02-17-2015, 03:42 PM
don't be scared to get help. Sometimes just talking to somebody is what will help you (or the first step). I am in therapy and on medication but thats what works for me. A good counselor can guide you in the right direction.

02-17-2015, 04:23 PM
SO I came across this in a search online. Sophie's post inspired me to eventually come clean and finally address how I feel.I am now in my mid 20's.I have been brought up in a loving caring large family not spoilt but anything I needed or wanted to do in terms of education or sports I was looked after well. One day a few months before my main high school exams I experienced something I had never before experienced or could explain. I was sitting in class and my mid went blank and dizzy i had to get out of the room. Since then the past seven years have never been the same. I have struggled on not knowing what this is or how I was feeling and still to some point don't. I went to university and have a good job however the enjoyment out of my life is sucked out. To look at me and know me you would never know. I am just sliding through life without being able to stop worrying or fearing things and having mild anxiety attacks thinking I can't breathe or face a certain situation I hate being on my own and I could be in a crowded room and feeling extremely alone. Its so overwhelming I don't smoke take drugs or go mad on drinking. I exercise lowds but my mind cannot stop racing. Sometimes I have good days others I don't, my family just don't get it. I have tried explaining but like sophie its seen as if I am over dramatic about things. I am a kind caring nice person who would try their best not to do wrong on others but my mind is stuck and I fear I will never be happy. To add to things both my parents are young and are both battling cancer and everyone is saying stay positive which I am thats the funny thing I can be positive to everyone and everyone says god you are such a strong person however I am not positive about myself. Where do I go from here? Anyone have advise?Could it be a hormone imbalance?I have never been on medication for this and I would like to try other venues but im scared to go for help and need confidence to do this.Advise would be great...
A very scared female.
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Hi, Trisha. Sorry for how you feel and what your parents are going through. That's a lot on your plate

People that don't suffer from anxiety don't get it as you say. It's not their fault. They cannot fathom how that can happen to someone.

The reason you probably seem positive to people is because you are. When you are focused on someone else, you can't focus on your thoughts so you act as if you would be anxiety free

If you haven't done so, you should have a full checkout to eliminate any possibilities of your anxiety being brougyt on by something biological in you.

You certainly have a chemical imbalance going on. That is what happens with anxiety and../or depression. I suppose the debate always rages about whether your imbalance was hereditary and caused your anxiety or you became anxious and your chemical imbalance was the result of that

It doesn't really matter how it happens, it happened.

People with anxiety have a history of white coat syndrome, thus all the avoidance of doctors.

You are going through what everyone here is or has gone through. Its not unique to you

Come to terms with your anxiety issues by not ignoring and fighting them. Learn about them and understand their cause and symptoms

Once you do, you come to understand how stupid this whole anxiety thing is. Stop worrying or fearing it, it just stops

I wish you quick success.