View Full Version : General questions for anxiety that is affecting work

02-17-2015, 02:51 PM
Hi guys.

i have had mild anxiety for a while now, at least 6 months and at various times over the years also mild.

a month or so ago i had what i think was an unexpected panic attack during a meeting at work which included being flustered, struggling to talk and going hot and red in the face. luckily i managed to mostly cover this up. since then, even while interviewing individual customers in my office ( i work in a bank) i am feeling anxious, especially when reading statements off the screen or paperwork. it makes it even weirder as i have done this for about 16 years with no problems before.

my GP has put me on a beta blocker, prophanol or something like that. she said i could take 40mg morning and 40mg afternoon. i have been taking 30mg morning and 10mg afternoon which she said would be fine to split just 40mg across both times.

i am reading through Paul David's book At Last A Life and would love to say i am managing to ignore the feelings i get and try to live with it but after a better day yesterday i had a much more nervy day today.

as this happens most while at work it seems to be much more serious as i dont want to affect my livelyhood but it is something i have to do multiple times per day.

any suggestions and advice welcome.

p.s. i am also taking Kalms and having a couple of Chamomile teas throughout the day.

02-17-2015, 03:54 PM
Hi guys.

i have had mild anxiety for a while now, at least 6 months and at various times over the years also mild.

a month or so ago i had what i think was an unexpected panic attack during a meeting at work which included being flustered, struggling to talk and going hot and red in the face. luckily i managed to mostly cover this up. since then, even while interviewing individual customers in my office ( i work in a bank) i am feeling anxious, especially when reading statements off the screen or paperwork. it makes it even weirder as i have done this for about 16 years with no problems before.

my GP has put me on a beta blocker, prophanol or something like that. she said i could take 40mg morning and 40mg afternoon. i have been taking 30mg morning and 10mg afternoon which she said would be fine to split just 40mg across both times.

i am reading through Paul David's book At Last A Life and would love to say i am managing to ignore the feelings i get and try to live with it but after a better day yesterday i had a much more nervy day today.

as this happens most while at work it seems to be much more serious as i dont want to affect my livelyhood but it is something i have to do multiple times per day.

any suggestions and advice welcome.

p.s. i am also taking Kalms and having a couple of Chamomile teas throughout the day.

That indeed sounds like a panic attack. These things seem to come out of nowhere but what happens is they "brew" in the subconscious and one day they "erupt" into consciousness. Then whenever we're in the same situation we're anxious about it happening again.

I don't have much experience with beta blockers. I was prescribed them once but didn't end up taking them. I've not heard many success stories of beta blockers for anxiety. The SSRIs have been the best for me.

I don't know of that book you are reading. Have you heard of CBT? That can be very helpful in dealing with anxiety. Also learning and practicing deep breathing techniques as well as physical exercise is very good for the nervous system.

Chamomile tea is definitely better than regular tea or coffee. I'm not sure what Kalms is though.

Anyway keep in touch with your GP.. If the beta blockers don't help you could talk to her about other meds and/or therapies.

All the best :)
Gypsy x

02-17-2015, 07:04 PM
Hi Marc, I don't think I can offer much advise as I am going through the same thing at the moment but wanted to let you know you are not alone. Usually I am really confident on the phone at work but due to my anxiety I stuttered and made some mistakes and now I feel an absolute idiot and like the people I spoke with think I don't know my job and I am useless. It's horrible but just remember anxiety always passes and soon you will be back to your usual self in work. The more you focus on it the worse it will be.

Anyway I am here if you need a chat as I am going through exactly the same right now x big hugs x

02-17-2015, 07:21 PM
Hi guys.

i have had mild anxiety for a while now, at least 6 months and at various times over the years also mild.

a month or so ago i had what i think was an unexpected panic attack during a meeting at work which included being flustered, struggling to talk and going hot and red in the face. luckily i managed to mostly cover this up. since then, even while interviewing individual customers in my office ( i work in a bank) i am feeling anxious, especially when reading statements off the screen or paperwork. it makes it even weirder as i have done this for about 16 years with no problems before.

my GP has put me on a beta blocker, prophanol or something like that. she said i could take 40mg morning and 40mg afternoon. i have been taking 30mg morning and 10mg afternoon which she said would be fine to split just 40mg across both times.

i am reading through Paul David's book At Last A Life and would love to say i am managing to ignore the feelings i get and try to live with it but after a better day yesterday i had a much more nervy day today.

as this happens most while at work it seems to be much more serious as i dont want to affect my livelyhood but it is something i have to do multiple times per day.

any suggestions and advice welcome.

p.s. i am also taking Kalms and having a couple of Chamomile teas throughout the day.

If you only have panic, the beta blockers can help

If you have anxiety with panic, Gypsy is on point with a SSRI

Not only do they really slow the anxiety and panic down, they are a great conversation piece when meeting new people

02-18-2015, 01:20 AM
If you only have panic, the beta blockers can help

If you have anxiety with panic, Gypsy is on point with a SSRI

Not only do they really slow the anxiety and panic down, they are a great conversation piece when meeting new people

Thanks for the help guys.

What ssri may be good? I'm currently having mirtazapine which I've had since the mild anxiety started, not sure if this is the type of meds you mean.

The book is from a guy called Paul David and his site is Anxiety No More.

Any further help and advice welcome

02-18-2015, 04:25 AM
Thanks for the help guys.

What ssri may be good? I'm currently having mirtazapine which I've had since the mild anxiety started, not sure if this is the type of meds you mean.

The book is from a guy called Paul David and his site is Anxiety No More.

Any further help and advice welcome

I'm on Lexapro at the moment but I've also been on Prozac and Zoloft. I don't notice any difference between them really. Mirtazapine is different - I've been on that as well and found it helped me sleep but not with the overall anxiety.

02-18-2015, 04:35 AM
I'm on Lexapro at the moment but I've also been on Prozac and Zoloft. I don't notice any difference between them really. Mirtazapine is different - I've been on that as well and found it helped me sleep but not with the overall anxiety.

Without being too crude, i wouldn't want to take a medication that could affect me 'in the bedroom' so not sure which of those would be better than the others.

02-18-2015, 04:50 AM
Without being too crude, i wouldn't want to take a medication that could affect me 'in the bedroom' so not sure which of those would be better than the others.

Oh right :) well my brother took Effexor because of that. It's slightly different but not by much.

02-22-2015, 09:59 AM
Thanks, sorry for the late reply.

Although i agree that facing the issue and carrying on as i would is the right thing to do, i feel that the anxiety 'cup' is overflowing so each time i have a spike in anxiety from doing the things that cause it, it just overflows more.

I'm in a 'catch 22' position that i feel that some time away from work is needed but i dont want to then make it worse when returning to work after a period of time off. Will having time off reduce the 'cup' sufficiently to allow those spikes to not cause another overflow?

02-24-2015, 01:21 AM
Anyone got any advice on if a sort time away from work, the main thing that gets me anxious, would help or hinder?