View Full Version : The Fear of Cancer.

02-16-2015, 08:57 AM
Hey people :D Hope you're all doing good, even though it's monday(ugh). Just wanted to share some interesting statistics regarding cancer, in hope that it'll help someone else. This helped me alot.

I had been having this headache for about a week or so and I was constantly afraid that it was a brain tumor. I couldn't eat normally, neither could I get some sleep. I was constantly thinking: "what if I have it? what if I suddenly die? what if I notice it too late? what if.. what if.."

It came to a point where I actually believed that I had cancer and that I was going to die any moment. It was scary, I'm not going to lie.

So, after feeling miserable and feeling like sh*t - I decided to try to rationalize it by looking at some Swedish statistics. In Sweden, it goes like this: "At least every third person will get cancer at one point in his/her life". Scary, I thought. But lets take a closer look...

About 55 000 people got diagnosed with some type of cancer the year 2013. The population in Sweden that year was 9 644 864 people. Two-thirds of those affected are over 65 years old when diagnosed. So this means that about 18 300 people who gets diagnosed are 15+ and the rest 36600 people are 65+. Still sounds alot?

18 300 people out of 9 644 864 is about 0.19 %(!). So people who are 15+ years old, has a 0,19% chance to get diagnosed with some type of cancer.

55 000 people out of 9 644 864 is about 0.57 %. So people who are 65+ has a 0.57 % chance to get diagnosed with some type of cancer.

And then the survival rates(in general) are: 50% that you'll live another 10 years, 54% that you'll live another 5 years and lastly 70% that you'll live another year.

Now, I was so scared that I might have a brain tumor - so I decided to look up the statistic on that:

About 1 100 people get diagnosed with brain cancer every year(again, in Sweden). Half of them are 60+. So this means that about 550 people out of 9 644 864 = ....0.01 %. I couldn't sleep or eat because I was afraid that I was one of the 0.01%.. LOL! I have a higher chance of winning the lottery.

^^^^I know it's a bit messy and not very precise. But what I'm trying to say is that don't let a fear like this stop you from living and enjoying life.

Wish you the best people, stay happy! :)

~ Elias

02-16-2015, 09:58 AM
I will give you much more than the statistics here. This message is for anyone that feels 'lost', downtrodden. That life may have become meaningless. Or hopeless.

But what I'm trying to say is that don't let a fear like this stop you from living and enjoying life.

~ Elias

You have unknowingly stumbled upon the main reason for the disease. Reworded:

"Cancer is often the result of the suppression and repression of fears and feelings (with what is seen as no way out of a predicament) that stops you from living and enjoying life. The (psychic) life has literally gone from you long before we see the physical manifestation, the 'patient' has been giving much consideration to it for a period of time. In that regard it just doesn't pop up as a result of fear alone, as in your case.

Science has not linked in the chronic depressive thought patterns over time, or the resolve for example, a woman believes breast cancer runs in the family and so she buries the fear, is secretly despondent , but more importantly has accepted that notion and all resolve is put into her affliction to manifest say at 30 years old. And so the fear alone would not have pushed this one over the edge as much as the belief and inner resolution. She has picked the time and date, you see.

Such a woman could reverse things.. If there was a belief just as strong in lets say a proper diet that would counterattack her DNA (psychologically). Reversing the belief indeed would reverse the probability for the disease.

I gave that example to show that it was her belief that activated the cellular changes first, coupled with the always present loss of any zest for living. On the outside she would seem quite 'normal' but internally she would be a ticking time bomb. How could future plans be made where there won't be one? And so silently and even unconsciously she has given in to the belief as fact.

The statistics will reflect generally speaking the overall health of a country let's say, in regard to the individuals place within it and his/her perceived 'freedoms' of expression or lack thereof. A "free" country such as America quite often is the most restrictive. In all cases all hope is generally lost and the problems he faces seem dire in both outlook and consequence.

Briefly. You mustn't sway with the statistics. Whichever way they go.

If you find yourself with the life swept out from under you, despondent and unhappy, unable to voice your concerns or even believe it is hopeless to do so, weak and afraid, overpowered and/or in abusive relationships, you MUST seek to work yourself out of it - there's ALWAYS a way. A door open in some direction that your current state of mind causes you to miss.

The same is true for those of you where the disease has already manifested. You must find within you the excitement and expectations of a child as it faces its forthcoming life with wonder, enthusiasm, purpose, and innocense. Instead of the original problem that stifled all creative expression, now faced with a physical problem (the disease), one must regain a sense of power with life, a cooperation, a reason to live and picture that with the imagination. The future is a combination of desire and use of the imagination. That is 'true' healing, a 'remission' of beliefs, so to speak.

You can also use your imagination to fight the invading army, you see. Where your side is the victor and the enemy has been vanquished. Or perhaps you put the disease on a raft and send it away into the ocean, leaving your body. Highly symbolic of course.

That is all.

02-16-2015, 11:56 AM
I will give you much more than the statistics here. This message is for anyone that feels 'lost', downtrodden. That life may have become meaningless. Or hopeless.

You have unknowingly stumbled upon the main reason for the disease. Reworded:

"Cancer is often the result of the suppression and repression of fears and feelings (with what is seen as no way out of a predicament) that stops you from living and enjoying life. The (psychic) life has literally gone from you long before we see the physical manifestation, the 'patient' has been giving much consideration to it for a period of time. In that regard it just doesn't pop up as a result of fear alone, as in your case.

Science has not linked in the chronic depressive thought patterns over time, or the resolve for example, a woman believes breast cancer runs in the family and so she buries the fear, is secretly despondent , but more importantly has accepted that notion and all resolve is put into her affliction to manifest say at 30 years old. And so the fear alone would not have pushed this one over the edge as much as the belief and inner resolution. She has picked the time and date, you see.

Such a woman could reverse things.. If there was a belief just as strong in lets say a proper diet that would counterattack her DNA (psychologically). Reversing the belief indeed would reverse the probability for the disease.

I gave that example to show that it was her belief that activated the cellular changes first, coupled with the always present loss of any zest for living. On the outside she would seem quite 'normal' but internally she would be a ticking time bomb. How could future plans be made where there won't be one? And so silently and even unconsciously she has given in to the belief as fact.

The statistics will reflect generally speaking the overall health of a country let's say, in regard to the individuals place within it and his/her perceived 'freedoms' of expression or lack thereof. A "free" country such as America quite often is the most restrictive. In all cases all hope is generally lost and the problems he faces seem dire in both outlook and consequence.

Briefly. You mustn't sway with the statistics. Whichever way they go.

If you find yourself with the life swept out from under you, despondent and unhappy, unable to voice your concerns or even believe it is hopeless to do so, weak and afraid, overpowered and/or in abusive relationships, you MUST seek to work yourself out of it - there's ALWAYS a way. A door open in some direction that your current state of mind causes you to miss.

The same is true for those of you where the disease has already manifested. You must find within you the excitement and expectations of a child as it faces its forthcoming life with wonder, enthusiasm, purpose, and innocense. Instead of the original problem that stifled all creative expression, now faced with a physical problem (the disease), one must regain a sense of power with life, a cooperation, a reason to live and picture that with the imagination. The future is a combination of desire and use of the imagination. That is 'true' healing, a 'remission' of beliefs, so to speak.

You can also use your imagination to fight the invading army, you see. Where your side is the victor and the enemy has been vanquished. Or perhaps you put the disease on a raft and send it away into the ocean, leaving your body. Highly symbolic of course.

That is all.

Interesting. And l agree. I've watched many people go through cancer. And it seemed as though they had "given up" before they were even diagnosed. My Mother was one of those people. My wife was diagnosed also... But has been cancer free for 3 years now. Her "zest for life" returned...
Very interesting....

02-16-2015, 06:55 PM
I will give you much more than the statistics here. This message is for anyone that feels 'lost', downtrodden. That life may have become meaningless. Or hopeless.

You have unknowingly stumbled upon the main reason for the disease. Reworded:

"Cancer is often the result of the suppression and repression of fears and feelings (with what is seen as no way out of a predicament) that stops you from living and enjoying life. The (psychic) life has literally gone from you long before we see the physical manifestation, the 'patient' has been giving much consideration to it for a period of time. In that regard it just doesn't pop up as a result of fear alone, as in your case.

Science has not linked in the chronic depressive thought patterns over time, or the resolve for example, a woman believes breast cancer runs in the family and so she buries the fear, is secretly despondent , but more importantly has accepted that notion and all resolve is put into her affliction to manifest say at 30 years old. And so the fear alone would not have pushed this one over the edge as much as the belief and inner resolution. She has picked the time and date, you see.

Such a woman could reverse things.. If there was a belief just as strong in lets say a proper diet that would counterattack her DNA (psychologically). Reversing the belief indeed would reverse the probability for the disease.

I gave that example to show that it was her belief that activated the cellular changes first, coupled with the always present loss of any zest for living. On the outside she would seem quite 'normal' but internally she would be a ticking time bomb. How could future plans be made where there won't be one? And so silently and even unconsciously she has given in to the belief as fact.

The statistics will reflect generally speaking the overall health of a country let's say, in regard to the individuals place within it and his/her perceived 'freedoms' of expression or lack thereof. A "free" country such as America quite often is the most restrictive. In all cases all hope is generally lost and the problems he faces seem dire in both outlook and consequence.

Briefly. You mustn't sway with the statistics. Whichever way they go.

If you find yourself with the life swept out from under you, despondent and unhappy, unable to voice your concerns or even believe it is hopeless to do so, weak and afraid, overpowered and/or in abusive relationships, you MUST seek to work yourself out of it - there's ALWAYS a way. A door open in some direction that your current state of mind causes you to miss.

The same is true for those of you where the disease has already manifested. You must find within you the excitement and expectations of a child as it faces its forthcoming life with wonder, enthusiasm, purpose, and innocense. Instead of the original problem that stifled all creative expression, now faced with a physical problem (the disease), one must regain a sense of power with life, a cooperation, a reason to live and picture that with the imagination. The future is a combination of desire and use of the imagination. That is 'true' healing, a 'remission' of beliefs, so to speak.

You can also use your imagination to fight the invading army, you see. Where your side is the victor and the enemy has been vanquished. Or perhaps you put the disease on a raft and send it away into the ocean, leaving your body. Highly symbolic of course.

That is all.

Alright, english isn't my main language - clear things up if I've misunderstood.

So the fact that people fear and believe that they will get cancer at some point in their life - is the reason they get cancer at some point in their life? Basically, they choose to get cancer?

You responded on some other thread where you said that we choose to die. Is it the same thing you're referring to now?


02-16-2015, 08:34 PM
Cancer is cancer, it is written in your genetic code and also the environmental issues. No one asks for it and no one wants it. I had just lost someone to cancer and it is awful. My brother the most optimistic and cheerful person on this planet got cancer. I believe that we can help our body to heal it, but forgiveness or love does not make us save......or safe? Healed? I never know which form is the right one:)) Faith healing is pure nonsense :)

02-17-2015, 01:19 AM
Cancer is cancer, it is written in your genetic code and also the environmental issues. No one asks for it and no one wants it. I had just lost someone to cancer and it is awful. My brother the most optimistic and cheerful person on this planet got cancer. I believe that we can help our body to heal it, but forgiveness or love does not make us save......or safe? Healed? I never know which form is the right one:)) Faith healing is pure nonsense :)

Have to agree with you Dahila. I doubt our faith can affect the decision whether we do get cancer or not. I lost a friend to cancer 6 months ago - and I'm pretty sure he didn't think he'd get it at any point in his life.

I mean this is a physical problem. If you believe in the spiritual and it was a spiritual problem - then maybe faith can heal? Idk

02-17-2015, 05:13 AM
Have to agree with you Dahila. I doubt our faith can affect the decision whether we do get cancer or not. I lost a friend to cancer 6 months ago - and I'm pretty sure he didn't think he'd get it at any point in his life.

I mean this is a physical problem. If you believe in the spiritual and it was a spiritual problem - then maybe faith can heal? Idk

I have spoken to quite a few oncologists over the last decade. They have all said pretty much the same thing. Stress and anxiety and fear can greatly contribute to cancer. My grandmother lived until 94. She had an "average" diet, smoked cigarettes, drank liquor occasionally, etc... Was a very loving, caring and gentle woman. Didn't over think things, never had bouts of depression or anxiety, etc... She never got cancer.
My Mother (her daughter) worried a lot. Money, health, depression, etc... She passed at 60 ... 6 years ago. From pancreatic cancer.
So I don't know... I don't have the answers. But, there is something there. Definitely.

02-17-2015, 06:18 AM
This post (quoted below) is the belief of the writer. And her experiences. It is the conclusion made from unresolved hurt, and surface physical observations of events, it is not associated with ultimate reality in any way. There is a form of acceptance which is akin to throwing ones hands up in defeat (cancer is cancer, that's the way it is) but it is not healing. (Which the brother wants, his event was meant as a catalyst of healing in more ways than one for this person). in many cases then, the real message of cancer is lost to anger and fear.

Cancer is cancer - no response needed

it is written in your genetic code and also the environmental issues. - it is latent in DNA as a psychic probability, in all people.

No one asks for it and no one wants it. I had just lost someone to cancer and it is awful. My brother the most optimistic and cheerful person on this planet got cancer. - your brother was hiding several things from you. He hid it well. Both you and he did share a number of emotions, you were connected in this way. Where you wear your "true' feelings on your shoulder, he buried his.

I believe that we can help our body to heal it, but forgiveness or love does not make us save......or safe? Healed? I never know which form is the right one:)) - forgiveness and love would save you, regardless of any disease. In spite of it, and the reason for it. Disease has no other purpose than to force introspection.

Faith healing is pure nonsense :)- this is a belief based on anger, and regret, from loss of love (family). And anger at God.

And so this is not 'fact' but a set of beliefs. I urge all readers to feel what is true for them. Be careful what road your peers seek to bring you down through word and deed in day to day life. For example after this was posted the OP came in an whole heartily "agreed" effectively changing the course of his life (aliasEQ). If you have but one thing you can control dear friends, it is your mind. I behoove all of you to keep watch of it and lock out the susceptibility to negative influences. In that context alone, cancer is as much a social disease, as is AIDS. Spread like a destructive "twitter" post "virally", period.

Don't let the myriad of human banter sway you like the wind. Trust your feelings.

In the case of a man (any man) that is "cheerful and optimistic" yet struck down by a cruel enemy and attacked and killed, that person put on a happy face, you see, the psyche much more complex and deep than one would suppose from surface observation and spoken words.

I am truly sorry Dahila, you are dearly loved. And I send energies to you for "healing". Finally to let go of that pain inside.

02-17-2015, 06:54 AM
On a private note:

I am no stranger to the ripple effects of disease. I've never thus far been personal on these forums, I've taught here.

But we teach what we have to learn.

A musicians beautiful composition often times comes from hidden pain. Raising up the emotions.

I am 51 years old. I lost my mother to cancer in 1984. Over 30 years ago at almost 21, you understand. From diagnosis to death nearly 2 months and I was never told it was terminal. Imagine that shock and trauma as I look upon her in the hospital bed and say "what's happening?"

I know pain with the best of them. Yet I offer encouragement, and I speak metaphysically to the downtrodden. Her death indeed standing for something, something good for the world.

02-17-2015, 08:28 AM
For example after this was posted the OP came in an whole heartily "agreed" effectively changing the course of his life (aliasEQ).

Lol. I've always stood for that, I didn't "effectively change the course of my life". I just don't believe that people choose to get cancer intentionally.

My friend didn't want to leave this world at the age of 20, he didn't want to die and he wasn't pessimistic. For example, he wasn't like: "Oh I'm going to guaranteed get cancer at some point in my life". He was happy with his life and love or faith couldn't save him from getting it.

in many cases then, the real message of cancer is lost to anger and fear.

So what's the real message?

I agree with you on much. But I don't get your "we-choose-what-we-become"-ideology. You also said on another thread I posted that we choose to die.

I personally think that some higher power(God, universe or whatever you believe in) is what's giving us problems and obstacles in life. I take them as a test.

02-17-2015, 08:59 AM
All choice opens probable avenues. Instead of a right, you take a left. And so the course of your life is set by your pattern of beliefs corroborated by experience (experience follows belief, not the other way around). It is not factual however, just because you have an 'idea' about it. Be watchful of what you 'stand for'.

Your friends message to you is exactly this. You create your reality, period. Therefor take responsibility for it, every inch of it. The good and the bad. Value yourself and the days that you have, while seeking to create experiences that make you smile. If you feel badly, take a close self examination as to why, and clear the issues creating it. Any bad feeling, is a false belief about who you are, and in relation to all that is. A belief in a higher power that tests you through 'imposing challenges or problems' (your description) does not feel good, and thus is a poor representation (and painful one) of ALL THAT IS, and yourself.

Lol. I've always stood for that, I didn't "effectively change the course of my life". I just don't believe that people choose to get cancer intentionally.

My friend didn't want to leave this world at the age of 20, he didn't want to die and he wasn't pessimistic. For example, he wasn't like: "Oh I'm going to guaranteed get cancer at some point in my life". He was happy with his life and love or faith couldn't save him from getting it.

So what's the real message?

I agree with you on much. But I don't get your "we-choose-what-we-become"-ideology. You also said on another thread I posted that we choose to die.

I personally think that some higher power(God, universe or whatever you believe in) is what's giving us problems and obstacles in life. I take them as a test.

In all cases its a choice. With children its no different. There is no rigid set of rules where a life is invalidated as a quality life if it ends at 20, or 5 or stillborn. The entity that occupies its body has that choice. You may say "he died so young, what a shame", stripping the soul of choice and the self of any metaphysical knowledge that would come by shattering those old beliefs and concepts. Your friend intuitively knew his time was shorter than 'normal' and thus he tried to make the most of what he had (from a subconscious level), night time dreaming often showed glimpses of what was to come, but was invalidated (they were fearful) and forgotten for the most part in the morning. Those that left an indelible impression were kept secret. They were not spoken about dismissed as dreams. The thought process often involved illness, nonetheless. No one dies against their will, no exceptions. Regardless of anyones input to the contrary here in this short converse. You are to learn to externalize, that is a lesson from him, for you internalize a lot of feelings, like he did, and so suppression does more harm than good. You need to release the pressure you see, and see yourself with enough value as to be validated in the expression of your feelings and your dreams.

It is your choice to believe what you wish, however that doesn't change the ultimate truth one iota. That is the gift, free will, even if the beliefs are false.

No one gives you problems, they are self created as well. If you should take a little more responsibility for your life not shirking it off to a vengeful entity or universe, you would find much more fulfillment and joy, even in those terms if you make mistakes in daily life..

And your creations would be less haphazard and more focused with intent on what you want rather than bending and twisting at the will of a universe intent on breaking you, or a chaotic mess.

As a side note, because I will surely be lambasted in the comment "children are no different", I want you all to know that what your physical eyes tell you is not the complete story about reality, you see. Within the vehicle of the small body is an old soul, if you will, and using basic terminology here. The soul directs its vehicle, and builds it, period. That is its 'sole' purpose. Now with your limited vision then, how can you presume to understand the choice and time of anyone's death? What you do do, is superimpose your own beliefs upon them, and the beliefs of many humans en mass, "oh, he was cut down in his prime", for example, has many beliefs attached to it. None necessarily true.

02-17-2015, 09:22 AM
IaS I like your comment and thank you:)
God I do not believe in god so it is lost on me. I love my family, they are my strength and hope. I like your post. thank you very much :)

02-17-2015, 10:09 AM
To: AliasEQ -- the reason you don't understand what I'm Suffering wrote is not because English isn't your first language. It is because what I'm Suffering wrote is utter nonsense and complete gibberish. It would make no more sense in Swedish than it does in English.

Cancer is a biological process -- pure and simple. Yes, stress over a protracted period of time can probably influence that biological process. Diet probably can too. And smoking certainly does. And genetics has a big impact. And exposure to certain chemicals. And exercise can have an impact -- a positive one. But you don't get cancer because you choose or wish to have cancer (and you don't avoid cancer because you wish not to have cancer). And it has nothing to do with "the suppression and repression of fears and feelings" or your "psychic life." That is total nonsense. It is just as ridiculous and someone claiming to be a psychic or a spirit medium, or a witch or a mind-reader.

On the other hand, the statistics posted by the OP are very relevant (though I don't have personal knowledge regarding their accuracy). Statistics can be extremely helpful in managing our fears -- many of which are borne out of overestimating risk.

02-17-2015, 11:01 AM
The thread got a bit derailed there but yes, I like the statistics. I think everyone panics about cancer because we constantly hear how this and that gives you cancer.

Living a life in fear of things like cancer is worse than the cancer itself if you ask me.. That's more of a slow, painful death.

Cheers :)
Gypsy x

02-17-2015, 12:57 PM
The thread got a bit derailed there but yes, I like the statistics. I think everyone panics about cancer because we constantly hear how this and that gives you cancer.

Living a life in fear of things like cancer is worse than the cancer itself if you ask me.. That's more of a slow, painful death.

Cheers :)
Gypsy x
I mean no offense but the statement is not accurate, Have you had cancer? Are you terminal? You do not know about pain cancer is causing. You can imagine it, but if you had not experience it, you do not know. Living in fear is awful, that's I agree. Eliaqs statistics may help. Cancer runs in my family and I have a very good chance of getting it, I hope I will not. Health anxiety is a killer, is it not?:))

02-17-2015, 03:27 PM
I mean no offense but the statement is not accurate, Have you had cancer? Are you terminal? You do not know about pain cancer is causing. You can imagine it, but if you had not experience it, you do not know. Living in fear is awful, that's I agree. Eliaqs statistics may help. Cancer runs in my family and I have a very good chance of getting it, I hope I will not. Health anxiety is a killer, is it not?:))

I mean that more in a philosophical way than a literal way I guess :) At times I have found life so emotionally painful that I believe the idea that life is more painful than death. I haven't had cancer but I've had acute Pancreatitis twice - once ending up in intensive care for a week. That's extremely painful and scary.

Anyway I am sorry it runs in your family. My dad had bowel cancer a while ago but they found it soon enough that he just had to have a section removed, no need for chemo or anything. So the other thing about cancer is that there are various stages and many are treatable.

Bye for now :)
Gypsy x

02-17-2015, 04:34 PM
Hey, Elias.

I really don't have anything to add. Oh, but cancer sucks, in your mind or for real

I just say hey in case you have any new Sweden stories you can tell so the rest of us can join the depression forum after reading it

Keep living the Blonde hair, blue eyed dream