View Full Version : Vision related issues (GAD)

Irish Sammie
02-15-2015, 05:43 PM
Hi guys,

I'm being a bit specific about this it's the most worrying aspect for me now. I'm seeking out those who deal with visual disturbances daily and how they deal with them. I'm talking about that disassociation with things around you, feeling like you're watching the world like you were viewing it through a TV. My eyes are back being sensitive to light and it makes me incredibly uneasy when out in public.

I dealt with GAD for over a year before moving to Canada. Fast forward 5 months and now I have my symptoms coming back again which is really upsetting. I know that GAD has the propensity to re-occur and I'm evidence of that, but I'm finding it harder this time around as I'm in a foreign country and I don't know many people here so it's really hard to deal with.

Thank you for listening.