View Full Version : Day filled with Anxiety for seemingly for no reason.

Heather O'Connell
02-15-2015, 03:27 PM
Without getting into too much detail, I've been suffering from anxiety and depression up and down for about 3 years now. Right now is one of my kind of up times. I've been anxious on and off for about 3 days now and it's very hard to deal with at times. A lot of the time when i do get anxiety it's during the day and at night I start to feel better and I"m not really sure why that is. I know that the winter weather isn't helping, as it's nearly 0 degrees and the windchill is in teh negative numbers. Normally to help with my anxiety i'll go out or do something to distract myself but since I can't go out it's hard to deal with. I feel like some days my anxiety is easy to deal with and other days I feel like it's overwhelming. It's the in-between right now and I was just wondering if anyone had any advice for dealing with anxiety when you can't go out.

Irish Sammie
02-15-2015, 05:19 PM
Hi Heather,

I know what this is like and I know how much discomfort you are in. However, even if it is cold, you should still go out. I'm finding that quite hard myself but I just know that I feel so much better after I've been out as my world feels that little bit more bigger once I leave the confines of my place. I wonder if you're using the weather as an excuse not to remove yourself from your comfort zone? I only say that as I do that myself and I'm trying to re-jig my mindset not to fall back into that convenient decision.

I'm the same as you, my anxiety and symptoms are worse in the morning but pretty much non-existent at night. I think that's because you know that you're going to the safety of your bed and that's where you feel safest. I'm still trying to work out how to battle my G.A.D, but I know trying to be as active as possible is a key ingredient to the solution.