View Full Version : Weather Today is Excellent but i Feel Blahhh.

02-14-2015, 03:15 PM
I have been working every day almost for the last month, for the 1st time in a long time. Unfortunately, it takes a while for me to adjust to working daily. I love my job and the freedom i am allowed over other types of jobs, but the stress is more of the unknown on a daily basis. I never know, from day to day what the next day will be like for me at a new assignment. Thus, this type of anxiety seems to catch up to me when I am at the end of the work month, and thank goodness over a 3 day weekend, thank you God. So I am trying to eat healthier and not skip snacks , which do allow me the energy to make it through an entire day. however this water retention or what ever is making my scale #s go to the right instead of progressively to the left is a real downer. I keep praying that God will help me with making the #s on the scale go down but I am so tired of going directly to the gym after a busy day at work. Today the numbers are up a tad, as they were heading the other direction first. Now I feel very limited in what I may eat as I dont want the #s to take off any further down the runway of," Bad news scales....".So I plan to do house work when it cools later today, and then a walk and then my usual calming routine after my flax-seed smoothy w/ a tad of protein. And yes all this thinking about energy and lack there of it, and the #'s on my scale make me a bit on the anxious, like walking on eggshells , side.....