View Full Version : Sore tongue

02-09-2015, 01:02 PM
I have been dealing with a sore/irritated tongue since before December, everything causes it to burn and get irritated...I change many of the foods i ate ...no citrus, tomato based items, but just about everything i eat causes it to swell up. I don't just run to the Doctor for every little thing so it finally got unbearable and I went to my dentist last week. After studying my blood work and examining my tongue, they suggested taking a supplement a Stress B complex. I did a little research and it seems that stress could be the cause and or lack of certain nutrients. The tongue issue does seem to coincide with the major episode i had last year, but i never made a connection between to two.

Anyone ever had this side affect?

02-10-2015, 08:16 AM
Believe it or not i have been going through the same dang thing! And yes i am under a lot of stress the last few months. Let me know how B complex turns out for you.

02-10-2015, 09:10 AM
I have been dealing with a sore/irritated tongue since before December, everything causes it to burn and get irritated...I change many of the foods i ate ...no citrus, tomato based items, but just about everything i eat causes it to swell up. I don't just run to the Doctor for every little thing so it finally got unbearable and I went to my dentist last week. After studying my blood work and examining my tongue, they suggested taking a supplement a Stress B complex. I did a little research and it seems that stress could be the cause and or lack of certain nutrients. The tongue issue does seem to coincide with the major episode i had last year, but i never made a connection between to two.

Anyone ever had this side affect?

Change your toothpaste. And I am not being 'flippant'.

Try Tom's of maine floride free, natural, you see. Found in most markets or the website.

I will not address here the emotional aspects or belief systems at the moment, you can read some of my other posts if you wish to delve into the psychological aspects.


Stop at once using the current products including mouthwashes, etc.

Examine the household chemicals you use, deodorants, detergents, whatever your 5 senses are faced with. Other than foods. Avoid 'heat'.

02-10-2015, 10:03 AM
Wow i can see that stress give us impacts in many ways

02-10-2015, 12:38 PM
I am suffering your advice is excellent:))
With the tongue you should see the doc not the dentist. If you can not find the natural toothpaste, use activated charcoal, it will also make your teeth very white :) Old school:)