View Full Version : Social anxiety

02-09-2015, 03:15 AM
hey guys I was wondering if anyone could help me out.
basically the past year I have been suffering from anxiety it happened in a college lecture one day and has only gotten worse since. It started off me feeling dizzy and faint but has now turned into feeling physically sick. Before even going into the lecture il think about it and how I knownits going to happen, it has stopped me from going to college the last week or so which I can't let happen as I need to pass there year. I have NEver gotten sick but I habe the "what if" question constantly on my mind. This is just an example I also get it in restaurants the cinema etc.
if you have any tips or know what I'm talk about if love to hear it.
Thank you :) x

02-09-2015, 06:25 AM
IT ? Who is IT (yes who, not what) ? Attach a voice to IT.

it has stopped me from going to college the last week or so which I can't let happen as I need to pass there year.

Why do you need to pass, and who's voice is in your head dictating what you can and cannot do? Is it the voice of freedom, or slavery?

What is expected of you?

Are you a failure, generally speaking? Who's voice is that?

The issues at the cinema and outside the school are only there by association. The circle of anxiety 'possibilities' has widened to include leisure activities as well. The cinema is not the classroom however, there is no pressure there, you see. There, you are free.

Isolate the areas of stress, as you would isolate a virus. And examine that domineering voice in your head that tells you what is good or bad for you, take a look at your beliefs, and start with the sentence :

"If I do not pass school, or even go, if I do what I want, what will happen to me?

From that, go deeper, get your answer, and then go deeper. Keep going until you strike gold. (belief). A belief is an idea you hold as fact, about yourself and you in relation to the rest of life.

If you choose this path of self discovery, open to new ideas and opportunities, experiences, do not fear what you may leave behind, or who you leave behind. Most likely it will be the personification (whoever that is) of the voice in the psyche.

The pressure to perform (in any area of life) and the accompanying feelings (and expectations) are not coming from you (the 'real' you is incapable of 'ruining' you), period. This (recognition and removal, clearing, healing) is the way toward freedom and health

Nothing else to add. I hope the recipient of this message receives it well (that could be you, yes you, reading this now), as the OP is just a trigger and may not even understand it. Or misconstrue and twist its meaning.

02-09-2015, 10:43 AM
Are you getting anxious about getting sick again? Or afraid of the anxiety that made you sick?

The best way I have dealt with social or performance anxiety is just doing the thing that makes you nervous. It is very difficult, but you always feel better after. The more you overcome, the better each time. Though, it never gets that much easier, at least for me.

02-09-2015, 11:45 AM
Are you getting anxious about getting sick again? Or afraid of the anxiety that made you sick?

The best way I have dealt with social or performance anxiety is just doing the thing that makes you nervous. It is very difficult, but you always feel better after. The more you overcome, the better each time. Though, it never gets that much easier, at least for me.
I'm getting anxious about getting sick yes because I just constanley feel sick yet I have never got sick I have sat through it a few times which is very difficult but there's just sometimes I actually think I'm going to be physically sick and in the middle of a lecture that's the last thing I want you know I'm only 20 and need to get through another 3 years of college

03-06-2015, 11:21 PM
wait but sorry I'm kind of confused. how exactly did you get your initial anxiety trigger? was it all the people inside the college auditorium that was making you anxious, or possibly something else like feeling you might fail in achieving your academical goals in that class? because from you have written, it sounds like you may not social anxiety but possibly a different kind of anxiety. and do you also get anxiety from going to the theaters and restaurants too? if so, then you may actually have social anxiety? well anyways, here is a tip on how you can reduce your anxiety? my mother used to tell me that whenever you are faced with a stressful situation e.g a presentation in front of hundreds of people, you can just imagine that everyone in the room are just "potatoes". you should also try boosting your confidence? try to be less pessimistic and stop thinking of all your bad traits but rather think of all your positive traits? are you good at sports? do you have a great personality? everyone is special in their own unique way. and also try to be less critical of yourself. I'm sure you are an amazing person so you should learn to accept yourself for who you are too. lastly, understand that you are not the center of the world, so people will not judge your every move. hence, you shouldn't worry about what other people think because most likely than anything they aren't going to judge you as much...anywyas good luck!