View Full Version : After ironing my work clothes craving sugar and sudden spotting:

02-08-2015, 04:36 PM
It seems like there has been a pattern in my spotting. Whenever I am done working on something, like ironing, shopping, dishes, etc, then i crave something sweet, and begin spotting menstrually. I feel kind of scared as I have been in Total Control over my menses for the last 4 months. I was so happy that my periods had stopped almost on a dime, completely, and absolutely. Now, I have began working more consistently, and less time to obscess over my leisure and lax time, and it seems like in my New Work Routine my psyche is a bit more Nervous, i even poop more, and Now my menses are returning to spook me by spotting on the days in which i am working physically over a task like shopping, carrying in groceries, ironing and compressing the iron down. But the weird thing is that i have this intense thirst right before i spot for something really sweet. So today i was craving grape juice, but instead had 2 cups of strong coffee, before my spotting began. I hate not having the feeling of Total Kontrol over my friggen menses. I liked the fact that i had stopped menstruating, and even seemed to forget how to even use a kotex pad? Now i feel a bit overwhelmed all over again, and i was happy just concentrating on my Caloric count and my workout routine at the gym , after my day job. Oh well????

02-08-2015, 05:21 PM
I imagine exercise or concentration is lowering blood sugar levels. Avoiding processed and refined sugars is best bet. Thankfully there's a wide range of none processed sources of natural sugars. Fruit being one of the main one's. None pre-packaged of course. Those additives and e numbers they pump packaged food with aren't really intended for your body long term.
