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02-07-2015, 09:57 PM
Anyone here got to cure their problems without using medicines?

02-07-2015, 10:11 PM
Anyone here got to cure their problems without using medicines?

I did, and I'm not the only one.

02-08-2015, 12:32 AM
I'm well on the road to recovery with anxiety and getting to grips with my depression more too. I went medication free too. Remember - medication is a band aid. It won't treat root causes of anxiety or depression. It can be of short term use to some people struggling to find balance or to be able to fully utilize therapy. It isn't a long term solution however.


02-08-2015, 07:44 AM
I think it is a mistake to be too "pro medication" or too "anti medication." Medication is just a tool, like therapy, meditation, etc. If you need it, and it helps you, then that is great. If you don't need it, and you can control your anxiety with different tools, then that is great too.

Of course, medication can have some side effects, and some associated expense, so some would say try other things first. But if you need medication, or it materially improves the quality of your life, then hey, that's what it was invented for. (Of course, always under the supervision of a qualified doctor)

02-08-2015, 09:33 AM
I see. Thanks for your replies guys. I'm wondering whether to take medication or not.

02-08-2015, 10:01 AM
I tried zoloft for several months and it did help my anxiety, but it also killed all my other emotions as well. I was going through life as a robot with zero feelings.

I have been able to get better without meds and will never try them again.

02-08-2015, 11:20 PM
I think it is a mistake to be too "pro medication" or too "anti medication." Medication is just a tool, like therapy, meditation, etc. If you need it, and it helps you, then that is great. If you don't need it, and you can control your anxiety with different tools, then that is great too.

Of course, medication can have some side effects, and some associated expense, so some would say try other things first. But if you need medication, or it materially improves the quality of your life, then hey, that's what it was invented for. (Of course, always under the supervision of a qualified doctor)

Agreed. The problem is doctors who are clueless about medication and just hand them out like lollies (especially things like anti-psychotics). I was like a guinea pig for years and have been on so many different meds. The first psychiatrist I saw (in 1993) gave me anti-psychotics, anti-depressants, anti-anxiety (Xanax) and when I went back saying I felt worse he told me to increase the doses lol. That was for pretty standard anxiety and panic!

Anyway, as Kuma says, medication is fine with a doctor who knows what he or she is doing. Sometimes anxiety is so bad that one needs a bit of chemical help.

Gypsy x

02-09-2015, 03:27 AM
Based on what i read and hear, it seems like medication give bad effects in most way

02-09-2015, 03:36 AM
Well it's foreign chemicals that don't belong in the body, so they tend to give side effects. The body can adjust to a great many things though and some people are in such dire situations they need medication to tide them over.


02-09-2015, 07:22 AM
Regarding side effects, they vary. Some people have bad side effects on some medications, though often those are temporary. Many people have few or no side effects.

Regarding Rag's comment that medications are "foreign chemicals that don't belong in the body," I guess you could say that. But the same is true, then, for aspirin or decongestants or statins or blood pressure medication etc. They are all "foreign chemicals" -- if you want to put it that way -- but they may help you live a safer and more pleasant life. And if so, then that seems like a good thing.

I do agree with Gypsee that it is not a good thing to abuse medications or to take them under the supervision of an irresponsible or incompetent doctor. Fortunately, at least in my experience, most docs are competent and try to do the right thing.

I think some people suffer needlessly, for a long time, because they have a fear of medications. That seems unfortunate to me. I think there is a role for medication, for some people, when needed.

02-09-2015, 08:11 AM
I think some people suffer needlessly, for a long time, because they have a fear of medications. That seems unfortunate to me. I think there is a role for medication, for some people, when needed.

I know in Britain they talk a lot about other people's views of mental illness, and the stigma attached to having it. I think we have our own prejudices as sufferers too, especially regarding the taking of medication. It's almost deemed to be worse than the condition in many people's eyes.

I can't think of any other illness where people would suffer so badly, yet repeatedly refuse the help of doctors. I'm not really anti or pro meds, but I am anti-suffering, so it seems strange when people don't reach out and take the medically accepted treatment when it's offered.

To the OP: You can get over your anxiety without meds, and it's best to try your best to do so for a while. That being said, the general rule of thumb is, if it's affected your day-to-day life too much, for too long, it's usually time to give something else a go.

02-09-2015, 08:59 AM
Anyone here got to cure their problems without using medicines?

When I was younger I "cured" myself without meds of any sort... And I was ok for quite a while. Now that I am older, and the symptoms came back, I am using meds. Mainly Prozac. I do use xanax from time to time if need be.

02-09-2015, 09:27 PM
Based on what i read and hear, it seems like medication give bad effects in most way

With an SSRI, your anxiety typically gets worse the first week. I got xanax from my dr when I started my SSRI & I only took it until the meds fully kicked in. Paxil & Xanax saved my life. I thought I was gonna go crazy. I couldn't work or leave my house. I thought I would suffer for the rest of my life. I honestly didn't want to live anymore.. My meds worked, I went back to work & enrolled into school. I got my life back. Some people could control anxiety without medication.. I couldn't.

02-09-2015, 09:41 PM
With an SSRI, your anxiety typically gets worse the first week. I got xanax from my dr when I started my SSRI & I only took it until the meds fully kicked in. Paxil & Xanax saved my life. I thought I was gonna go crazy. I couldn't work or leave my house. I thought I would suffer for the rest of my life. I honestly didn't want to live anymore.. My meds worked, I went back to work & enrolled into school. I got my life back. Some people could control anxiety without medication.. I couldn't.

Similar story to me Brooke. After trying a few meds which didn't help (and some make me worse) I tried Prozac. It made me worse at first but I persisted with the help of Xanax and after about 3 weeks it kicked in and it was amazing. SSRIs have saved me a couple of times.

02-10-2015, 10:01 AM
To the OP: You can get over your anxiety without meds, and it's best to try your best to do so for a while. That being said, the general rule of thumb is, if it's affected your day-to-day life too much, for too long, it's usually time to give something else a go.

I will try my best :)