View Full Version : Hormonal Change With Pills? Or Something Else

02-07-2015, 08:39 PM
Just a brief history from the past few months. My anxiety came back, hard and fast, and after a couple of months of trying to handle it on my own I eventually had no choice but to go back on an anti depressant. In the past month and a half, maybe two months, I've switched from 150mg of Effexor to 150mg of Wellbutrin XL to 75mg of Wellbutrin SR then finally being put back on 150 mg of Wellbutrin XL . It's been a rough couple of weeks with some nasty side effects caused my doctor to switch me so many times. Even though there was a lot of switching involved, I still tried to stay on the meds at least 2 weeks to see if the side effects would at least tone down, but they didn't.

So yesterday was a very interesting day. I've had problems with driving 30 min+ distances for quite a while. My big fear, which has never happened, was worrying about having to go to the bathroom while I drive and not making it to a bathroom, and this particular drive was in the boonies so there was no bathroom in sight. So while driving I got 3 powerful feelings of like getting kicked in the chest, with some heavy panting, which I took 1mg of lorazepam to help calm me down. My girlfriend also has been very helpful and me and her just talked to help calm me. Once I got to my destination (my uncle's), I knew I was suppose to stay until tomorrow morning/afternoon. Yesterday I had lingering low anxiety throughout the day, but was able to function fine. I took my sleeping pill to go to bed and ended up not having a good nights sleep, a first in quite some time. When I woke up today my lingering anxiety grew to a moderate intensity. I did some meditation, and tried to distract my mind. Eventually I started to freak out because I just couldn't relax at all and ended up breaking down and crying. It was quite a big deal for me because I lost the ability to cry for over 2 years. So instead of staying the night tonight, I went home early and I'm still feeling some low lingering anxiety at home to.

Will this pass?

Is this my brain trying to adapt to the juggling of pills or perhaps a side effect, or something else? Any help is greatly appreciated.