View Full Version : Much needed advice

02-07-2015, 08:43 AM
Hey guys. Well i have gone through a tough journey which i thought was over, but i have some fights left yet. I tappered lexapro one month ago and i was feeling great. Suddenly these days i have a stupid and strange lack of sleep, which really gets me anxious again. I use my techniques as breathing, visualization of good moments and listening to music, as i did in many many worse days but still i have difficulties. Any advice how to deal with it? Please help me get this thing over.

02-07-2015, 08:49 AM
You may find some useful tips here: http://sleepfoundation.org/ask-the-expert/sleep-hygiene

You could also talk with a doctor about sleep aids (pills etc). I have some which I take when really needed.

02-07-2015, 08:56 AM
You may find some useful tips here: http://sleepfoundation.org/ask-the-expert/sleep-hygiene

You could also talk with a doctor about sleep aids (pills etc). I have some which I take when really needed.

Im really against sleeping pills. Strange thing is that i get anxious when i try to sleep and when i open my eyes or when i get some.sleep after all i feel relaxed.

02-07-2015, 08:59 AM
Is this related to the med withdrawal? I somehow feel different i mean my head feels different.

02-07-2015, 10:16 AM
Its not related to physical withdrawal from meds as much as its related to the FEAR OF BEING MED FREE and the dependence with a draw psychologically to return to them. In this case, stay away from the old thoughts and find something new that works.

Hey guys. Well i have gone through a tough journey which i thought was over, but i have some fights left yet. I tappered lexapro one month ago and i was feeling great. Suddenly these days i have a stupid and strange lack of sleep, which really gets me anxious again. I use my techniques as breathing, visualization of good moments and listening to music, as i did in many many worse days but still i have difficulties. Any advice how to deal with it? Please help me get this thing over.

You have the problem because you think you do.................period.

And so, you do things on behalf of the framework of sleeplessness. You act in ways to reinforce the problem.

"I use my techniques as breathing, visualization of good moments and listening to music, as i did in many many worse days but still i have difficulties"


Sleep is natural, and doesn't need any rituals, such as a rain dance or the methods you listed. If you take a pill, and fall asleep, then you have made the neuronal connection between that pill and sleep, thus youll be knocked out as soon as you take it, even if you were just running a marathon moments before. In such a case the belief would change along with the framework of experience, from "I cannot sleep", to well, no thought at all, the head hits the pillow and your off. The psyche will know, pill=sleep. Now, whatever works, symbolically, a pill, a glass of warm milk, whatever.

02-07-2015, 10:22 AM
Its not related withdrawal from meds as much as its related to the FEAR OF BEING MED FREE and the dependence with a draw psychologically to return to them. In this case, stay away from the old thoughts and find something new that works.

You have the problem because you think you do.................period.

And so, you do things on behalf of the framework of sleeplessness. You act in ways to reinforce the problem.

"I use my techniques as breathing, visualization of good moments and listening to music, as i did in many many worse days but still i have difficulties"


Sleep is natural, and doesn't need any rituals, such as a rain dance or the methods you listed. If you take a pill, and fall asleep, then you have made the neuronal connection between that pill and sleep, thus youll be knocked out as soon as you take it, even if you were just running a marathon moments before. In such a case the belief would change along with the framework of experience, from "I cannot sleep", to well, no thought at all, the head hits the pillow and your off. The psyche will know, pill=sleep. Now, whatever works, symbolically, a pill, a glass of warm milk, whatever.

Thats a good response. I will try something new for sure. Thanks.

02-07-2015, 10:53 AM
Thats a good response. I will try something new for sure. Thanks.

Neurologically speaking, and on a symbolic level lets say, you were told today, "do a rain dance for 30 min and you will fall asleep" and you meet that with success, you have built new pathways you see. Watching an indian on television will knock you out after that.

The meditation, the visualization, the old rituals, or childrens games, were met with failure, you see, and so that as an option now, will self fulfill. Meet a new idea with success, and repeat that. If a pill puts you to sleep, you would not question the pill every time you take it, see? The act of taking it alone will be met with success until one day that game is put away or met with failure due to some belief or simply the need for a change.

Of course the mind is uneasy because of doubts, worry and to an extent some unresolved problems and fears of tomorrow, so to speak, which lead back some time to false ideas about yourself and your relationship with the world (reality). So the sleeplessness is a result, you see, not to be lamented over, but used as a trigger to do some self work, psychologically raising the false beliefs that cause the anxiety to begin with.

If you wish, or just take a pill. But if you do, know the healing work can not be put off forever, now, that is the purpose you are here. You didn't think life was without reason did you?

I am not forcing you into work you are not ready to face, just edifying you that its there, you see, waiting for healing, and for your true life to begin, free from the crap that weighs you down.

There is a great life in everyone's cards, period. In the fog the captain can not see the new world, for years he perseveres into the unknown, blindly (knowing the world is flat and he could fall off at any moment), with a desire to discover and a passion to explore. The fog represents fears and old beliefs, symbolically. Keep on going however, for when the fog eventually lifts, and it always does, no exceptions, there you will find your homecoming parade in the new land.

Catcha later friend

02-07-2015, 10:59 AM
Hello Cimi, I am sorry to hear that you are having problems sleeping. Here are some effective techniques that you can use to get a better sleep:

- Eliminating caffeine from your diet is a quick win. If you can’t go without your morning cup of coffee, then a good rule of thumb to keep in mind is “No coffee after noon.” This gives caffeine enough time to wear off before bed time.

- Is your bedroom designed to promote good sleep? The ideal sleeping environment is dark, cool, and quiet. Don’t make your bedroom a multi-purpose room. Eliminate TVs, laptops, electronics, and clutter.

- Most people sleep best in a cool room. The ideal range is usually between 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 21 degrees Celsius).

- A quiet space is key for good sleep. If peace and quiet is hard to come by, try controlling the bedroom noise by creating “white noise” with a fan.

- Stick to a regular schedule. The body loves ritual. The entire circadian rhythm we laid out earlier is one big, daily routine. Go to bed and wake up around the same time each day.

I hope this helps. Take care!